Chapter 6

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//Comment below which character you think I'm writing best and which character I'm writing worst!

After an hour more of tactics of "if they got caught", the descendants were finally ready to go. "Let's roll," said Wendy smacking some new gum she bought. Dipper grabbed his books in agreement. Then slowly the door creaked open. The descendants rushed out of the room and inched down to the bottom. Dipper simply floated until he had to go through the entrance. "I can't see anything," said Pacifica in annoyance. "But I can," Dipper said. Being a demon had its perks. "Everyone follow me." After following Dipper, who was following his phone, the descendants reached the museum. The descendants inched along the building until they came to a door. Very slowly, Dipper and Wendy peered into the building. In the room was an elderly man watching all the priceless artifacts of the museum. Then Dipper saw it. A piece of Billeficent's portal. Dipper smiled and took out Journal 1. "Merrium, quasitium, quasko, metaphortia, hominis!" cried Dipper softly. Then the portal piece started to lift. The old security guard turned around with horror, as the portal sucked him up suddenly. Then Wendy high-fived Dipper. "Awesome" they both said. Then Dipper lit his hand on fire and burned down the door. The group then got into the museum. "Ok, Paz time to get your mirror out" Wendy said. "You mean to look at myself?" she asked vainly. "And could you check the rift while you're at it?" Dipper asked. "Sure" replied Pacifica dryly. Then Pacifica pointed to the stairs. The descendants then climbed up and reached the top in a matter of seconds. Finally across the room, they saw it. It was the rift in a blueish looking steel box. "That's timetanium" said Robbie. Dipper nodded and then somersaulted towards the rift stealthily. "It can only be opened by a princess's kiss" Dipper read. Wendy came over and squinted at the text. She couldn't make anything out. "It's written in Demonium, a forgotten language Wendy" said Dipper. Wendy rolled her eyes, nodded and didn't even bother to ask how Dipper knew that. Billeficent probably told him. Then Dipper looked at Pacifica. "Pacifica, we need you to kiss this box, I guess" said the demon. His yellow eyes were dead serious. Pacifica then glared at him. "Of course I'm not doing that. I just put on makeup!" Dipper's eyes then turned red again. Pacifica shrieked and started running but was lifted off the floor by Dipper. "I don't want to hurt you princess. But I will to get the rift" said the young demon dangerously. Pacifica then nodded in fright and kissed the box. She then made yuck sounds as the box opened to reveal the rift. Dipper then levitated the rift out of the box. Then two guards ran their way. Dipper in fright dropped the rift in the box and concentrated with all his might. Then with all his strength, the descendants teleported out of the museum. With a poof, the descendants appeared in Wendy and Robbie's room. They looked around to see that Dipper was breathing heavily and shaking a bit. "Are you alright Dipper?" asked Robbie. Dipper then nodded but took a painful breath in. "I'm... just not used... to ... this little... magic" said Dipper through several breaths. The others knew that teleportation sure saps energy. Wendy nodded and offered to walk him back to Mabel's room. Dipper denied it though and told them they'd attempt the robbery tomorrow night. "Dipper wake up, wake up!" shouted Mabel. The demon sat up in fright and looked to see light shining through the window. Quickly the demon panicked, and grabbed his books. "Dipper wait! It's Saturday!" cried Mabel. Dipper then ran that over in his mind. Was it really Saturday? Then Mabel ran in front of him. Today she was wearing a turquoise cocktail dress with a turquoise tiara on her head. That reminded Dipper of how Pacifica wore her diamond crown every day. "Are you ok Dipper?" asked Mabel. "Why wouldn't I be, princess?" asked Dipper nervously. What was she playing at? "It's just that you've been rushing off with three red books every night and coming home, well, late. And you don't have to call me 'princess' " Mabel said. Wait was she worried? The demon started to sweat. She was onto him. "I can't tell you... Mabel" Dipper replied to the princess. She then balled up her fists.

"Why not?!"

"It's just a thing between my friends and me, ok!"

Dipper then tried to go back to sleep. "Why do you sleep in your clothes?" asked Mabel. "Because I'm poor" answered Dipper sarcastically. "But didn't Billeficent steal some loot? Why are you poor?" asked the princess. Dipper groaned and then sat up, looking worse than ever. "First of all no one in the island has pajamas since we don't live at your fancy standard of living and second of all I am poor. You have to look out for yourself on the island and no one else" Dipper stated grimly. He then rolled over on his bed and sighed. "And why do you wear that coat thing?" asked Mabel. She was expecting him to yell, but instead when he sat up, his face softened. "Well, give or take a couple years ago, Pacifica had just started sewing. She ended up making this coat thing that she wanted all of us to wear. The first one she made was too small for everyone and she had got the colors wrong. It was also kind-of mangled looking. But when I tried it on, it fit me ok and I've kept it ever since. Then Dipper started to take off his jacket, revealing a purple t-shirt underneath. "Was that made by Pacifica too?" asked Mabel. "All my good clothes are" replied Dipper with a small smile. He then turned it inside out to reveal a purple stain. "That was it's original color before it weirdly turned yellow" he explained. Then it happened again. Dipper's irises were now a normal dark blue. They were just like human eyes. Mabel didn't know how he did it, but it was amazing. Then Dipper slipped the jacket back on and did it up. "Isn't it the middle of August?" pointed out Mabel. Dipper nodded and replied with, "I'm just naturally cold. Almost all demons are, which is why magic usually comes in the form of fire." Then Dipper slipped on his boots and started lacing them up. "Where are you going?" asked the princess in curiosity. "Wendy said she was trying out for the team today" replied the demon. Then he slipped on a black cloak over his jacket. "See you later" said Dipper as he hurried towards the door. "Wait!" cried the princess. Dipper turned around to see the princess going up to him. "Could I come with you?" asked Mabel. "Sure" muttered Dipper. Dipper then opened the door for Mabel. However soon it was Mabel running after Dipper. He walked so fast. Finally, the two made it to the field. Mabel then waved to her friend Candy as she climbed up the stairs of the with Dipper following her. "Who's your friend?" asked Candy happily. She then stuck out her hand towards Dipper, who flinched and stepped back a bit. She did not manage to see Dipper under his black hood. "I'm Candy Chiu, daughter of Mulan Chiu. Who are you?" asked Candy. "Dipper Cipher. Son of Billeficent Cipher" said Dipper quietly, as he drew back his hood. Candy gasped and stepped back. Mabel saw that Dipper's eyes were back to his usual yellow slits. But this time they weren't threatening and rather calm. "He's my friend, Candy" explained Mabel. Candy nodded cautiously and sat down by Mabel. On the other side sat Dipper. "Hey Pinestalk! Can I sit with you?" shouted a girl from far away. Dipper turned around to see Pacifica. "Um, ok" said the demon shakily. Then Pacifica sat on the right side of Dipper. He slightly inched towards Mabel, which Pacifica noticed by giving a little glare. He just couldn't hurt Pacifica again. "Ladies and Gentleman, Princesses and Princes, may I present you the practice for Auradon Ball. The best 20 players will make the two teams, so I wish good luck to all of the contestants!" shouted the announcer. In return, all the fans on the bleachers cheered. Dipper simply clapped quietly which made Candy laugh hard. Pacifica too ruffled his hair, which made Dipper crack up a bit. Mabel just sighed with a bright smile on her face. All her friends were finally getting along. Then all the contestants came out of the tent and onto the field waving. "Wendy!" shouted both Dipper and Pacifica. Wendy spotted them in the crowd and waved like crazy. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a yellow mesh jersey on top. On her lower half, she wore blue shorts and her electric green sneakers. Then Wendy jumped up and down waving her blue wooden stick that sort-of looked like a paddle and her shield with the Auradon Prep. crest on it. Dipper smiled and cheered even louder for her now. "When the cannon sounds the game will start!" shouted the announcer again. Right after, a giant boom sounded. The players then stood as still as statues putting on their helmets. Then they darted forward, bouncing the ball on their paddles and blocking with their shields. Wendy was darting through the field. It looked that no one could stop her. Then another player stole the ball. Gideon. Mabel then cheered hard for Gideon. Dipper glared at her and then continued cheering for Wendy. Then once again Dipper's irises flickered to a dark blue. Mabel noticed this and smiled sincerely. His smile warmed her heart up with a wonderful, bubbly feeling that she couldn't even describe. Then Mabel realized what it was. Love. Like the greek term "philia" though, not romance. He was like a brother to her. A few minutes later, Wendy picked up the ball again and hit it through the other team's net. "And a goal!" shouted the announcer. "Wendy! Wendy!" the whole team shouted. Wendy was shown up close on the big screens that decorated the stadium. She was cheering as well and jumping around. "Is this what you do for fun here?" asked Dipper too Mabel. "Definitely" she whispered with a smile. Dipper smiled back at her in return. After the game, Wendy found herself being mobbed by fans. Then a dark figure ran towards her and jumped up with a hug. Their hood fell off, revealing a smiling Dipper underneath. "You did so well Wendy!" shouted the demon. Wendy then stared at his dark blue eyes. Mabel then shook her head at Wendy. "What?" asked Dipper in confusion. "I'm... just super happy you're proud of me!" finished Wendy. Dipper then smiled back at her, his fangs showing just a bit. It felt good to congratulate her. "Hey Dipper! You wanna walk back with me?" asked Pacifica from the crowd. "Sure!" called back Dipper. He then put his hood on and raced through the crowd. Finally, he met up with Pacifica and the two held hands as they walked to the dorms. "So how was your day today?" asked the hooded demon. Pacifica then sighed and closed her eyes for a brief moment.

"Well, in Chemistry, I cheated with my magic mirror and this prince wanted to meet after class. So I met him and then he asked me to do all his homework if I wanted to keep hanging out. I agreed and then did his homework but he stole my mirror and he told the teacher, Mr. Mcgucket. He then told me if I passed a test, I could have my mirror back. So I passed the test with a B+, but now I have no prince! What's mom going to think?"

"I think you're really smart Pacifica and you should do whatever without pretending to be whoever in front of some dumb boy"

"You really think that Dipper?"

"I really do. And I also know for a fact you don't need any stupid boy slowing you down"

Pacifica looked at Dipper happily. He smiled from under his hood. Then the two made it too the dorms. "HI GUYS!" shouted Mabel. Dipper flinched and made a move to run on instinct. "Mabel, you almost scared the living daylights out of me!" shouted Pacifica angrily. Mabel giggled awkwardly and rubbed her head. "Sorry guys. I just wanted to tell you some great news" explained the princess. "What is it?" asked Dipper curiously. "Well on Friday, I'm getting coronated to a queen!" shouted the excited princess. "You're serious?" asked Dipper very seriously. Just now she'd bring that up?! "For once in my life, yes!" declared Mabel happily. "And the best part is, is that the rift will be there to symbolize the balance of good and evil now that you're here. It's going to be by Grenda if you were wondering!" exclaimed Mabel. This was almost too good to be true for Dipper. "Is there a chance I could sit up in the front?" asked Dipper. Beneath his hood he was smirking. "Actually only the king, my boyfriend and me will be able to sit up there" Mabel informed them. Dipper then smiled to himself. Boyfriend eh? "Anyway see you later!" cried the skipping princess. Dipper rolled his eyes as Pacifica laughed a bit. "Crazy Mabel" Dipper joked. "So we're meeting tonight right?" asked Pacifica, as the two made their ways to the two dorms. "Actually, I think we could all use some sleep" said Dipper. "Way ahead of you" Pacifica said putting her hand in front of her. Dipper chuckled and then reached his dorm. Then Dipper saw that Mabel was reading on her bed. Dipper went over to his bed and dug out some spray paint. "What'cha doing?" asked Mabel lazily. "I don't know" replied the demon. Then after a couple of minutes, Dipper had painted a pig on Mabel's side of the room. Mabel gasped in surprise. "How did you know I liked pigs?" she asked. Dipper then turned around and pointed to his head. She then continued to read as Dipper hung up his cloak. Dipper then took out his spellbooks and read through them on his bed. Each spell each did amazingly different things, yet they sounded the same. It was so easy to mess up or have a spell backfire. "What am I doing?" whispered Dipper to himself.

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