Chapter 3

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Dipper had figured this out already, though. "So you want us to steal the rift to take over" said Dipper suddenly, cutting to the point. Bill raised his eyebrow, as Dipper was becoming very smart at figuring stuff out. "Good job Pinetree. The idiotic princess there decreed you should be given a chance at a 'normal life'. But with that rift, I could bend good and evil to my will!" said Billeficent again triumphantly. His eye then flashed blue as he stared at his son. Dipper smiled dangerously and lit his hand with a blue flame. Then like father and son, the two shook on the rift deal. Wendy for the first time was too shocked to speak. Then Billeficent opened the fridge. Mist poured out of it as the door was left open. The evil demon took out a spellbook. It was a red book with a 6 fingered hand on the front, marked "Journal 3". Bill then pulled 1 and 2 out as well and handed them to Dipper. "What are those?" asked Pacifica. Dipper grinned at her. "Spellbooks" he said excitedly. "Exactly. Retrieve me the rift descendants and world domination will be ours! The car comes for you at sundown" proclaimed Billeficent. Then Dipper picked up his spellbooks and climbed up the long flight of stairs. Pacifica followed him as her room was on the upper floor as well. She noticed he was climbing more eagerly than usual. When Dipper got to his room, he threw in his clothes, his spellbooks, and his phone into a bag. Did he really need much more? It was amazing what magic could do for you hygienically. Then Dipper unpacked his bag again and took a look at the spellbooks one more time. They weren't exactly spellbooks, but journals that looked super important. The demon found all sorts of spells inside, though, including ones he'd never even heard of. "This is going to be fun" he said to himself softly. Then Dipper stuffed the books away and shrunk his bag to the size of a corn chip, which he put in his pocket. "Hey, Dipper!" shouted Pacifica outside his door. Dipper sighed and opened the door. "What do you want Paz?" he asked. "I was just going to ask you what to bring" Pacifica announced. She ran back to her room and then dumped a bunch of dresses in Dipper's room. "Here we go" Dipper muttered under his breath. Then he walked over to the excited princess. "So which dresses should I take?!" Pacifica asked as she bounced up and down a bit. Then she took out her pocket mirror and tended to her face. Dipper couldn't help but snicker a little. Then he sighed and said, "Wear whatever you want." Then the demon sat down on the other half of his bed and sighed. His face and jacket drooped a little. "What's on your mind Dipper?" asked the princess. She stopped jumping up and down. "I'm worried about our mission" explained Dipper. Then he turned around to face Pacifica, his slit eyes burning. "But if we do steal the rift, we'll be invincible!" cried the demon. His whole body was then engulfed in blue flame. Pacifica then put her hand on his shoulder, staring up at him with her pale blue eyes. Then she yanked her hand away from the pain of the fire. The two colors met for a minute, both different, yet the same. "Then that power we'll get" she said dangerously as well. The two thought to themselves a moment before Pacifica went over to her clothes and picked out a few dresses. Then Wendy and Robbie came into the room. Dipper glared at them and said, "Who asked you to come in here?" "Who asked you to make that deal!?" shouted Wendy. Dipper then smirked at both of them. Slowly, he rose up in the air and a maniacal laugh escaped his throat. However, Wendy still stood her ground, unafraid by the demon before her. "Don't you want to have limitless power!? If we take over Auradon, we'll get whatever we want!" Dipper exclaimed. Then he turned to Pacifica.

"Pacifica you'll get a perfect prince." Pacifica shrieked in delight.

"Robbie you'll get any type of music you want and fame for each piece" Robbie nodded his head in approval.

"Wendy you can have whatever you want, brought to your doorstep without having to steal anything or lifting a finger ever again" Wendy then stepped forward toward the demon, glaring. Dipper glared back at her, his yellow eyes glowing with anger.

"But you'll get the throne" she stated.

Dipper then laughed. "Well, OF COURSE, I'll get the throne! I'm the leader of all of you!"

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