Chapter 4

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//Just to let you all know, this chapter is a bit violent. Nothing major, just something to know! Ps. Many thanks to the TheRedHairGirl for following me and staring my work! That means so much to me and I thank you very much!

Dipper burst into the room with a sudden thud. In Robbie and Wendy's room, all the descendants gasped as they were startled. "Come on people! Let's get down to business" shouted Dipper. Then with a flick of his hands, the door slammed and was bolted shut. "Dipper come on! I'm excited about this place!" said Pacifica cheerfully. Then Dipper narrowed his now florescent blue slit eyes. "Don't you remember what we're here for! This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents!" yelled Dipper. Suddenly all the descendants looked down in shame. They all knew he was right. "To prove to our parents that we are mean, nasty, rotten and cruel! And the one way to do that is to steal that rift. So now let's get down to business." The demon took out his books and started going through them. Then he closed one book with a loud thud, looking up at Pacifica. "Paz, do you have your mirror?" Dipper asked. Pacifica nodded and held her magical pocket mirror. "Find where the rift is." Pacifica simply nodded and did what she was told. Soon Paz had pinpointed the exact location. "So what is exactly the plan?" asked Wendy out of curiosity. Robbie then held her hand and nodded in agreement. "We find where the rift is. We steal the rift. We get back here and then we go home early" Dipper said vaguely. "That's it!" exclaimed Robbie. He then strummed his guitar slightly in annoyance. "We'll work out the details later" muttered Dipper. Then Wendy slammed her fist down on the table. Dipper looked surprised and looked up the angry girl. "What do you mean 'we'll work out the details later'! Dipper this could potentially have us arrested and you're not even telling us what to do!" shouted the angry girl. Dipper was again starting to lose it. But instead he smirked at her angry expression. "Believe me Wendy" said the demon slowly. But then his face got more dark as he said, "A demon never makes a mistake. NEVER." Then Pacifica opened her mouth to say something but never did. Dipper flicked his hands and sent her crashing to the wall. Then the demon held his arm across her throat, pinning her to the wall. Pacifica tried to scream as Dipper pressed harder and harder on her throat. "Dipper stop please!" begged the princess. But all Dipper did was press harder, his mad eyes focused in concentration. Wendy and Robbie then gasped and got up to stop the demon, but froze in their steps. They looked to see that they were frozen with magic. "Do you want to challenge me too, little princess? I could kill you right now if I wanted. Just a bit harder." Pacifica could feel her air supply being cut short. This time she stared in complete fear at the demon. He now had blood red eyes. Then she noticed that as Dipper was focusing more on her, that Wendy and Robbie were becoming unfrozen. His magic was starting to wear off of them. Just as the demon was about to kill her, Wendy pulled out a knife and stabbed Dipper with it. The demon screamed in agony and fell to the floor unconscious. "I just hope the walls here aren't that thin. People will be wondering, I tell you" Robbie said as he dragged Dipper across the floor. Pacifica was being comforted by Wendy. The princess's eye twitched as she felt her throat over and over again. One of her good friends had nearly killed her! "It's ok, it's ok. You're fine now" said Wendy reassuringly. Then Wendy's face hardened as she looked at the unconscious demon. She pulled a knife out of Dipper's leg whose flesh was now raw and bloody. "Why did he fall unconscious?" asked Pacifica slowly. She was still shaking. "I dipped the knife in a drug called Deominide. It pretty much just knocks demons out when it enters the bloodstream. However a strong enough dose can potentially kill them" Wendy explained as she tied some white bandages. Soon they started turning red with blood. "I'll take him back to his room" Robbie volunteered. "No. I'll do it" said Wendy firmly. She then picked up Dipper and felt his dead weight in her arms. He was surprisingly heavy. Then Wendy undid the door's locks and carried him down the hall. However it was about 9:00 at night, so no one was about. Then Wendy knocked on Mabel's door. Mabel opened her door and shrieked at the sight of Dipper's unconscious body. Wendy then put her hand over the princess's mouth. Mabel then started to calm down as Wendy put Dipper on his twin bed. She pulled the covers over him as well. "What on earth happened?" asked the distressed princess. Wendy sighed and then said, "He went a little nuts and tried to strangle Pacifica." Mabel then gulped in fright. Wendy then turned to see the giant "All Hail Billeficent" painting. She shook her head and smiled a bit. "Dipper said that's what you did for fun back home" Mabel stated. Wendy then sighed as she remembered home. A dirty, polluted island. "Well it's what Dipper did. He was always good at painting and never really admitted to anyone that really he wanted to paint for a living. But of course he has demon blood in his veins and he just can't be an artist. You know the whole 'take over the world' thing." Mabel nodded and looked at the fallen demon. He was twitching a bit now, shuddering here and there. Then with a jerk he sat straight up. Wendy and Mabel both screamed in surprise. The demon then started panting and breathing heavily. "Woah Dipper! It's ok, it's ok" said Wendy trying to comfort her friend. Then his eyes met hers and quickly fell down again. "She's dead, she's dead! I killed her!" panicked the demon. He then tried to move but felt he couldn't. "Dipper, Dipper it's ok. She's not dead" said Wendy. She then saw his eyes move over to the bandage. Then Dipper put his hand up to his forehead and lurched forward. "Does he even acknowledge that I'm here?" asked Mabel as she brewed some tea. "Can't say" replied Wendy. She then reached and put her hand on Dipper's head. Then after a few pats she began to run her hand through his hair. Finally Dipper's breathing was normal signifying he had calmed down. Then Mabel handed him a cup. "What is this?" asked Dipper looking at Mabel with an eyebrow raised. "Is it poison?" he asked again. Wendy shrugged as she too looked at the strange brown liquid. "It's tea guys!" said Mabel suddenly breaking up the tension. Dipper and Wendy both stared at her. "It's...what?" asked Dipper again. Mabel then blinked twice in horror. "You guys don't know what tea is?" she exclaimed. "We have coffee and the occasional chocolate bar on the island if you're lucky" said Wendy. Mabel shuddered. Coffee is the worst. "Tea is water that's flavoured by tea leaves and sugar and sometimes milk is added in" Mabel explained. Dipper still held the cup looking unsure at it. "I thought demons were supposed to be all knowing" said Mabel in disgust. She was slightly annoyed now. Dipper then laughed. Wendy then looked back at Mabel with a worried look on her face. "I grew up on a freaking island that was pretty much as worthless as trash. I grew up in a dump and you expect me to be all knowing!" laughed the demon. He then curled up still bellowing out laughter. Then Dipper wiped a tear from his eye still holding the cup of tea. "Aren't you getting burned by the tea?" asked Mabel. Wendy then got up and tried to touch Dipper's leg. However the demon noticed this and shied away. "Of course not. If I can hold fire in my hands, then I can hold tea as well" said Dipper calmly. He then took a sip of the cup and his face lightened up. "Wendy you've got to try this!" said the demon. Then Mabel swore she saw lightning admit from his eyes. The princess stared in horror as Wendy drunk from the same cup right after. "I'll show it to Paz and Robbie! They've got to try it!" exclaimed the excited girl. "Wait!" cried Mabel. But Wendy had already left the room. "That is disgusting!" cried the princess. She saw a confused look on the demon's face. "Drinking from the same cup? That's just germy!" Mabel cried again. She then shivered and started to wipe imaginary germs off of her. "Is that not something you do here?" she heard Dipper ask. Then she heard a shriek. Mabel flicked around to see Dipper undoing his bandage. Tears were streaming down his eyes as he slowly removed the blood red bandage. "What are you doing?" shouted the princess. She then ran over to Dipper and put a new bandage on. Dipper glared at her harshly. "I was going to heal it" said an annoyed demon. He then flicked his hand and nothing happened. The demon looked surprised as he kept flicking his hand. "Drat" he muttered under his breath. "And to answer your question Dipper, here in Avalor the rule is one person per teacup" said Mabel dryly. But then she turned around and smiled brightly. Maybe that would cheer him up. Dipper looked at her in disbelief. "On the Isle of Lost, you were lucky to have a teacup per family" said Dipper quietly. Then the princess saw it again. The lightning or electricity flickering around his eyes. But then again his eyes weren't normal either. Mabel had chocolate brown eyes with a splot of black on the right one. The princess recalled his yellow slit eyes and how they seemed to convey so much hatred and negativity. Then she remembered that Billeficent had the exact same ones. "Well that explains it" whispered Mabel to herself. The soon-to-be queen then stared out the window at the jeweled sky. "Explains what?" asked Dipper curiously. Then she saw it again, except this time his eyes were normal. They were a deep blue colour. "Oh it's just your eyes" said Mabel. Then the princess saw his eyes flick back to their usual yellow slits. "Oh that. Well, I'm a demon. A dream demon to be precise" said Dipper from his bed. "I didn't know there were different types" the princess confessed. Then Mabel saw him try to put weight on his leg, without success. Tears were streaming down his eyes as he struggled to walk. Mabel on instinct ran over to help him, but Dipper just pushed her away. By doing so he fell over and landed with a thud on the ground. "Are you ok?" asked Mabel, her eyes wide. But then like an animal, Dipper growled and slipped back into the corner. "I'm not supposed to let you help me. All you are is a kind princess and I'm an evil demon, so just leave me alone!" cried Dipper. She swear his eyes flashed red for a second. Mabel backed up from the angry demon. Then she heard faint cries coming from the far side of the room. Sure enough she saw Dipper all curled up in a ball. Then Mabel lifted him and put him on his bed. His face was still pale but a bit blotchy from crying. Then the depressed demon sighed. "Why are you being so nice to me?" asked Dipper softly. Mabel then embraced him in a hug. "Because when I look into your eyes, I can see you're not evil" said Mabel reassuringly. She then went over to her bed and watched Dipper take his boots off. After that the demon curled up and pulled the covers over him. Mabel could feel a special bond with him even though they had just met. And Dipper felt it too. But he knew the last thing she said was a lie.

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