Chapter 1

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Author note this is under slow and mager re Wright I do appreciate the patience and kind words of you 😀

Harry was always considered an odd child this was because Harry was not like other children his age, he was always getting in trouble for his 'freakish behavior'. this however was not the case for a child like Harry this was perfectly normal behavior and it wasn't like Harry wanted this to happen it just did when he was upset or afraid he would find that his hair would grow over night like the time aunt gave him a bad hair cut it was almost like magic. Harry thought this was wonderful sometimes but his aunt and uncle did not share his love for all things that could not go unexplained logically and the thing that happen to Harry could most definitely not be explained wit any form of normality would lead to Harry being shoved in his cupboard under the states and he would be ignored for a couple of days until his uncle Vernon decided that he could come out to clean or make them food but he would be put back as soon as he had finished doing unless of coarse uncle Vernon had decided he needed a bit of stress relief and that's when harry suffers tho it wasn't to bad it was usually just being beaten round the house or if it had been a extra stressful day he might get the belt.

Even at school Harry was an over looked child even tho he was short for his age as well as his clothing never fit him properly due to a lack of a proper meal witch he wasn't sure he had ever received he looked messy and unkempt not that the over baggy hand me downs from his much larger cousin helped this matter.The teachers never asked him about it any more after his aunt and uncle always had an excuse for why he looked the way he did, harry had a few he thought were good lies, personal favorites were that harry just refused to eat and insisted that his clothes should be baggy on him, Harry was also a unusually quiet child as well when others asked if he wanted to play not that they did now they knew Dudley and his gang would beet them up for it and that's if harry was lucky but most often than not he would then be chased all over the school, one time he some how ended up in the roof of the school cafeteria after nearly being caught and beat up , but his teachers didn't care they were to interested in his cousin who could do no wrong tho harry didn't see what they saw but Dudley was very good at turning on the water works the moment he saw them coming or when his friends weren't watching to make it look as if he was the one being bullied harry was no stranger to this as he would often do it at home as well whether it be to get what he wanted or just simply because he was bored and wanted to see harry punished for something he had done like when he broke aunt petunia's new vase with his baseball that he had just got and would never play with again after that day

For most part Harry Potter was very unhappy child who was worked to to the bone ever day and never got the right nutrients that he needed to be able to grow, He was getting up at some times 3 am and not going to bed at 12 that night, but you never one saw him complaining or crying about how life was unfair instead he taped his glasses back together every couple of days and just got on with life, after all others had it much worse than he did in that his he saw it at least.

Then there was one Severus Snape he was a man of very little words and a low tolerance for tomfoolery not that his profession left much room for such things since he was a potions master who also taught at Hogwarts school,of witchcraft and wizardry. on this particular day he was brewing a series of complicated potions that all had different timings and requirements when he called away from his potions and not for any reason he would be happy about however the small popping sound had made him look up from what he was doing and put everything on a complete halt to find out why the house elf had bothered him when he made very clear he was not to be disturbed unless it was a complete emergency and some one was dying however this was not the cause and the headmaster had just appeared in his living room and required him at once. this annoyed him further how dear he come in to his home and summon him away from his work as if he was some lowly house elf.

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