Chapter 18

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"You going in today?" Tim asked as I walked back in the room from my shower. "Duh! Plus I don't have to do much. Just some OfficeAntics and editing, but no biggy." I announced. He came over and poked my stomach, I laughed. "Have a good day at work, love you both." He kissed me on the cheek and I walked out the door. 'He is going to be an amazing father.'


Adam was walking around the offices with the vlog camera, "Here we have the carrier of the newest editor!" He said pointing the camera at my stomach. I laughed, "Yep! They already have the "editing gene" no turning back now!" I replied. He did his famous laugh and left. I took a glance at what challenge we were doing on my schedule, 'OfficeAntics - Smoothie Challenge - Preston, Y/n, Barney.' I walked over to the IRL set after getting more water.

We voted for me to do the intro, "Hey everyone! Y/n here and today, we are doing the Smoothie Challenge! Now if you haven't seen one of our many smoothie challenge's, here is how it goes down, we have good and bad ingredients in the kitchen, and we are going to go one by one and make smoothies for one other person. There is no goal, other than feeling like you are going to die after! Let's get started!" We picked who was making for who, I got Barney. I walked in the kitchen and a huge smile crept on my face. "I am making a smoothie for Barney. Now I don't really have anything to hold against him, so I am just going to make this taste like shit for fun! Hot sauce; watermelon; more hot sauce; birthday card; chocolate." I said, then started blending, "Looks like shit, probably tastes like it to!" I finished, taking the drink to Barney.

"What the fuck is that?!" He said, I smiled and Preston laughed. "I don't think you are going to like me after you take a sip of that." I laughed again. "No shit." He replied. He took a sip and, surprisingly, swallowed. "What the hell did you put in that?!" Barney yelled. Making everyone laugh. "Lost of hot sauce, watermelon, chocolate... OH AND THE CARD!" Everyone laughed again, Barney sat there with his mouth on fire, looking disgusted. Next was my turn, "Hey, go easy on me, I throw up enough." I said, he laughed and shook his head.

It ended up tasting bad also, like really bad. Luckily we got off early today, I was happy because the faster I got home the faster I could brush my teeth from this horrifying taste.

(Author's Note: I want to do the smoothie challenge as one of my first YouTube videos. It may be super gross, but it will be really fun! Thanks for all the support and don't forget to follow me on twitter (@SarcasticPro) for more updates on when the next upload happens. See you in the next chapter.


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