Chapter 2

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Hey guys! So here's chapter 2 :). And it's longer!

So remeber guys: comment, comment, vote, comment, comment, fan? lol

Note: I haven't edited this chapter yet, so if anyone finds any mistakes, point them out! It will help me when I edit :)

Here we go!



As she reached the handles, she heard laughter coming from the jocks. But it was a certain laugh that rooted her to where she stood. It was deep and melodious and moved through her body in a warm rush. That laugh was so masculine, it made her shiver. Emily didn’t dare look back to find its source. Gripping the handles tighter she pulled open the doors and walked in.    

Chapter 2

 Emily was overwhelmed as she walked down the hallway. After two years of minimal human contact, this was to be expected.

 Her hands were gently shaking and her legs had occasional tremors running down, as if they would buckle any moment. She just wanted to find her class and sit down before she embarrassed herself. Moving to the side so she wouldn’t be in the middle of traffic, Emily opened the first zipper of her backpack and took out the schedule she printed the night before.

 “HW304,” she murmured. What the hell is ‘HW’? I should have come to orientation…

Narrowing her eyes, she stared hard at the piece of paper, as if it would spontaneously transform itself into a map.

 “Stare any harder and it will catch fire. Well…you are staring at it right?”

 Emily stiffened and with the barest movement of her neck, she turned to look at the speaker through her glasses and the curtain of her long fringe. Both were there for double protection. She almost moaned in dismay at what she saw, the corners of her mouth turning down in a sad frown.

 The speaker turned out to be a very pretty young woman with hair redder than fire engine red. And she was damn short. Exactly the kind of person whose looks screamed for people’s attention. Exactly the kind of person Emily did not want to associate with. Already she noticed people glancing their way. She had had to get away from her and fast.

 “Are you mute?”

 Are you idiotic? Emily rolled her eyes at her, not that the redhead would see. Her eyes were covered by her fringe. Turning her face back to the paper, Emily decided to ignore her.

 “So you’re deaf.”

 Grrr. Can’t she tell I don’t want to talk to her? I thought anti-social turns people off.  Emily pointedly put her schedule back in her backpack in silence, turned on her heels and proceeded to go down the hallway.

 “So, you’re mute, deaf and blind. Ever heard of the Miracle Worker?”


 “Did you just make a sound?!” The redhead feigned shock.

 Shit! That was out loud?

 Emily stopped to turn to the little midget and gave her the fiercest glare she could muster.

 “…you’re glaring at me right?”

 Emily bared her teeth at her.

 “Well you do know your face is like half covered? Not my fault.” The redhead’s dove grey eyes were wide with innocence. Didn’t need Einstein to see it wasn’t genuine.

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