Part 29 - Old Memories and Promises

Start from the beginning

" I know why you ran off ". She whispered and I blush embarrassed. I grumble, looking away from her. I couldn't hear the other gazelle but I know they were close. I then felt a soft kiss on my cheek and my face burns bright.

" We have been mates ever since we were seventeen. I am in love with you and you only. The gazelle I was talking to was an old friend, he just got the wrong idea of thinking I was single ". She whispered fondly. I turn my head to look up at her and she smiled at me.

" And besides, we have a four year old fawn waiting for us back in our den ". She kissed my lips for a few seconds before pulling away. I stare at her eye-wide, blushing hard. She then winked at me, sitting up to look around. She was sitting on my lower stomach, close to the thing between my legs. Saying it is just weird and embarrassing to me.

" They aren't here anymore. They must have figured out what would happen if they did harm us or even consider it. Shall we go back to the den? ". She said with her usual formal voice. She smiled innocently at me, moving back to sit on top of my pelvis and... that.

" Uhhh... y-yeah ". I stutter with a small voice. She then patted my stomach and stood up. She turned around, purposely wiggling her tail -- that I find cute and small -- as she started to walk away from me. I then quickly stand up, wincing at some of the cuts and scrapes on myself.

" W-wait up, sumi ". I call out as I run to her. I slow down when I'm next to her, looking around at our surroundings. There is nothing around us that's good. I jump when I felt Sumireko slide her hand into mine. I look at her and she was calmly looking ahead while intertwining our fingers. I blush, smiling to myself as she did.

" Uhhh... sumi? ". I said and she hummed. She looked at me and I blush harder. " Uhhhh... I... I-I love you ". I said stuttering. She then laughed lightly, covering her mouth with her right hand.

" I love you too ". She said and I smile wide. I suddenly felt all giddy since my tail started wagging. She must have noticed since she laughed louder. I laugh along with her, loving the way she laughed outloud. Which is something she doesn't do often.

It was nice. And I wouldn't have it any other way with the one I love.

- Later that Night -

" Oh my... god ". I mutter as I pant heavily, sweat appearing at the sides of my face. I look at Sumireko who was closing her eyes shut with a look of pleasure on her face. She kept her hands on my stomach, panting as she was catching her breath.

She then let out a content sigh, opening her eyes to look at me. Her sharp blue eyes were glowing which made her more intimidating but hot. She then licked her lips, sitting up straight. She bit her lip and I whimper weakly when she moved. She was sitting on my pelvis and she is very warm inside.

" Oh Marihu... ". She whispered as she ran a hand through her slightly messy hair. I swallow nervously, watching as she gestured her finger for me to get closer. I then push myself to sit up, biting my lip at the sensation of me still in her. I look at her face to face and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

" Promise me something ". She whispered and I found it odd in her relaxed expression. I nod, putting my arms around her lower waist. She then leant forward to touch foreheads, staring into my eyes.

" Promise me that whenever you doubt yourself, or doubt our love, you will think of me. It only makes sense that you are my source as I am yours ". She whispered and I stare at her. She felt all warm, something I love to feel. Her warmth is important to me.

" I promise, sumi ". I whispered leaning forward to kiss her. I close my eyes when my lips met hers, holding onto her. She kissed back, moving her hips forward to slowly rock back and forth. I moan into her mouth, grabbing onto her firm butt. She gasped breaking our kiss. I then lay back, switching out position so that I was on top of her.

" I love you. God, I can't live without you ". I said with a newfound confidence in my tone of voice. Sumireko blushed visibly, grabbing onto the back of my shoulders. I then move forward, holding onto her hips as I push in and out.

" I can't live without you too. I love you. I'll always love you- ".

- Reality -

" NOOOOOO!!! SUMIREKO! COME BACK! I NEED YOU! SUMIREKO! ". I scream off the top of my lungs as I writhe in pain. Tears fall down my cheeks as they kept hitting me with sharp whips. I roar, finding this merge of me and shinya difficult and painful. In my mind it hurts, but my physical body hurts. And I can't control it.

" I CANT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU! I DONT WANT TO HURT ANYONE! SUMIREKO! ". I roar as I shut my eyes. I can hear everyone's thoughts because of that damn light blue dust powder. Along with strength, grey and hawkeye, dark gold. I can see everything, even see through things. But that isn't what I'm concerned about.

" I love you so much . I love the both of you so much ".

She was standing Infront of me with a fond smile on her face. She was about to touch my face before I open my eyes and-

C R U S H ! ! !

" SUMIREKO!!! ".







There is always a reason to every thing I do

- Mommy Senpai

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