Chapter 59: Spread Its Wings

Start from the beginning

"It's OK Soojung-ah, I understand. I wasn't mad or anything, I was just worried about you." Jessica put her hand under Krystal's chin and gently examined her sister's face, which was puffy and splotchy from a full night of crying. "You look awful," she told Krystal playfully, eliciting a laugh from the younger girl.

There was a gentle thump from the bedroom and the Jung sisters turned to find Amber shuffling sleepily into the living room. Amber yawned tiredly as she cast her eyes on the sisters' affectionate reunion.

"What the heck is this?" the short haired girl asked, stifling a yawn. "I thought you Jung sisters slept until noon on your days off."

"Someone sounds grumpy," Krystal observed with an affectionate smile as Amber rubbed her eyes like a sleepy child. The younger girl went to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee, offering it to her girlfriend. She then poured another cup and offered it to Jessica.

"Stay with us for breakfast, unnie-nim," Amber invited the elder Jung sister, using the overly formal honorific semi-jokingly. Amber sat down with her cup of coffee and gestured towards Krystal. "My personal chef will make whatever you want."

"How dare you call Soojung your personal chef!" Jessica reprimanded Amber indignantly. The sharp response snapped Amber out of her sleepiness and she began to apologize for being disrespectful towards Krystal, but Jessica surprised her with a playful response. "Don't you know she cooked for me long before she cooked for you?"

"Ha ha," Krystal laughed dryly and she resumed cooking a batch of scrambled eggs.

Amber went to help Krystal while Jessica sat down and drank her coffee. "How's your mom doing this morning?" Amber asked Jessica, cracking a few more eggs for Krystal to cook.

"Mmm... calmer than yesterday but just as unwilling to accept the news," Jessica answered slowly. She turned to Krystal. "I accidentally told mom last night that you were dating Amber. I thought you had already told her before you left, so I'm sorry for telling her first."

Krystal sighed and shook her head at her sister. "Don't worry about it. I meant to tell mom yesterday but she just kind of surprised me with her reaction and I couldn't say anything I wanted to say."

"On the bright side though," Jessica continued, "Dad supports you."

Krystal's eyes widened in surprise. "No way, really?"

"Yeah, really. Dad came home towards the end of the fighting last night and I explained the situation to him. He understands and yet he doesn't understand... but he says that nothing is worth losing his youngest daughter," Jessica gently relayed the message, much to Krystal's delight.

Krystal clutched the spatula tightly with watery eyes as Amber gave her a quick hug. This was exactly the kind of response she had wanted from her parents. She didn't need them to celebrate her coming out or to understand exactly what was happening in her life; she just wanted them to continue to love her and accept her. If only both of her parents could have responded in the same way...

Amber quietly relieved Krystal of her cooking duties let the young girl absorb the emotional news.

"Give him a call later, I'm sure he's worried about you," Jessica kindly suggested to Krystal. She turned to Amber. "Our dad has a message for you too. He said, 'Take care of my daughter. If you make her cry, there will be no mercy for you.' I think he was joking with that last part, but I wouldn't bet on it," the older girl told Amber with a smile.

The short haired girl laughed as she scooped scrambled eggs out of the pan and onto Jessica's plate. "Funny, that sounds a lot like what you said to me after you found out I was dating Soojung." The two girls glared each other playfully.

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