"I have your schedule printed out on my desk." She smiled. "You can follow me and I'll take you to where you need to go."

I followed the principal into her office and she insisted that I sit down so she could get to know me a little more before she escorted me to my classes.

"Walton High is one of the best public schools in New York City, and I'm sure that's why your father had you enrolled here." She smiled. "I'm glad to have you join us. Here, you will get to enjoy the real High School experience. Tell me a little about yourself, and maybe we can get you involved in some activities for the next school year."

"I like music." I said, blankly.

It wasn't like I could be completely honest and tell her that I enjoyed smoking weed and partaking in gang activity. What could I tell her about me without going too deep into it?

"That's a starter." She chuckled. "What kind of music is your favorite, Andree?"

"Tupac." I said. "I think he's the best rapper alive."

"Tupac seems to be very popular and accepted by most teenagers that go here." She said. "Why do you think Tupac is the best rapper alive?"

"Can I be honest with you, Mrs. Rogers?" I asked.

"Of course you can." She smiled. "What is it?"

"I observe his words and I think they're deeper than what people actually hear." I said. "I mean, he talks a lot about the real problems in the world. I know that I'm nothing like him, but I understand the struggle he has to deal with to be a black person here in America. It's not right how the black community is treated here, Mrs. Rogers."

"Wow." She said. "You are the first person that I've ever heard say that."

"I hope I'm not offending you in any way." I said. "But, I love Tupac. I listen to him all the time, and I feel like I understand."

"If only everyone thought the same way that you do, Andree." She sighed.

The room became quiet. It was as quiet as I've ever heard quiet been. I wondered if I had said something wrong, or If I offended her. I couldn't tell by the look on her face, so I just didn't say anything else. Maybe I would have been better off telling her a different answer.

"Here's your schedule." She smiled and handed me a piece of paper. "I know it's not very useful since we only have a few days left, but maybe you'll get to know your way around here for next year."

"Thank you." I said.

"Come on, let's get you to your first period class." She said then stood up from her desk.

I followed her out of the office and she led me down the hallway to a classroom with a purple door. She opened it, and we walked inside the room. The teacher was a white lady dressed in a blue pants suit, and she smiled at me. I smiled back and looked on the board to see her name, Mrs. Stephens, written in chalk.

I then took a good look at my peers, and I noticed them already examining me. Of course, I didn't have to introduce myself because they already knew who I was. Especially the females. They seemed very happy to see me.

"Alright, students." Mrs. Rogers sighed. "I know this may be unusual for us to get a celebrity student at this time in the year, but I want you all to treat him just like he's a normal person because he is. He is a regular teenager, just like all of you, so we shouldn't have any problems with him being here. And ladies....?"

"Yeah?" All the females responded in sync.

One of the girls winked at me, and some of them were gossping amongst themselves while staring me down. 

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