New beginnings...Kind of

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Hey guys I'm alive. Sorry it took so long to update. My life has gotten hectic and I have had this just sitting in word ready for you guys to read. I started my senior year of college and I am taking 18 credit hours so  I am busy with that and all the homework that comes along with it. I will try to update on weekends but that is also when I have quizzes due and all that fancy stuff. So comment, vote and if it takes me almost two months to update again go to my inbox and yell at me. 

October 3rd

It has been two months since Jamie was at the hospital for drinking too much. It has been two months since we have broken up. It has been two months since I told everyone that I have cancer. I moved to Edmonton in these two months. I have made some friends since I moved here. I have been doing my treatment plan that the doctor came up with and its working.

These past two months have been great, things have been looking up for the most part. I have been working on myself so that helps. But just as things are going good something negative has to happen. I checked Facebook on Wednesday (September 30th) and I noticed that one of my childhood friends was missing. So I have been worrying about that in the back of my head. I have this feeling that he isn't okay.

Its noon and since I am waiting to see how the scans are that they took earlier I have my phone in my hand deciding if I want to check Facebook to see if there is any new news. I have a feeling that I'm going to regret this. It's the moment that I am dreading but here goes nothing.

I open Facebook and see that one of his friends posted something on his timeline. I knew. I didn't even have to scroll down to read the message. I just knew. I have done this before and it never gets easier.

I just drop my phone not caring if it broke or not.

"Hannah you okay?"

"He's gone." Is all I manage to get out.

"Who is gone?"

I can't answer him. I just can't take the pain of another friend dying. I just stare at the wall that is in front of me. The next thing I know I feel his arms around me. I don't care that he is hugging me. I would have pushed him off already but I can't muster up the strength to even hug him back.

"Listen to me, you are the strongest and most dedicated girl I know. Even though you had your moment of weakness you have pulled through. You gave up on life and I understand that. Life knocks you down and it has knocked you down plenty of times. I have seen you get back up every time and succeed. I just want the best for you and I know that it takes time to heal. You know what, come to Montreal with me. You'll be closer to me and I won't have to worry about you while the season is going on. We only play him twice if that helps. You don't have to go to that game."

I still stare in front of me where the greatest supporter I have had for the past about two months is standing. I don't respond I can hardly move. I have to tell him.

"I cannot afford to move again. I just got here to Edmonton and I still have to do my treatments. As much as I would love to you can always visit me. I am also not ready for that kind of commitment."

"What kind of commitment?"

"Where would I live during the season? With you? I can't do that I just lost one of my good friends from my childhood. I just got out of a really serious relationship just a little over two months ago. I don't want you to be my rebound. I can't emotionally travel yet. At least not till I either beat cancer or I am fully over his death."

"Well Hannah" the doctor says walking into the room, "You are going to have to move. You are in remission but you are still going to have to take drugs for the next about five years to make sure that you stay in remission, Okay? Take a chance on this kid and you want to know why? He is the only guy that I have seen with you time after time. I have seen the guy with the girl a couple of times, what where their names Matt and Olivia? They seem to be some of your great friends. You see the thing is I have seen a lot of misery working here at the hospital but one thing I do know is that true love is sometimes right in front of you the whole time."

"God I've heard a similar speech about two months ago about my ex-fiancé in a hospital and that didn't turn out well."

"Well the guy in front of me seems to be different than the guy who left you." The doctor said.

"Thanks." I say blushing for the first time in a long time about a guy.

"So will you come?"

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