Asking Questions

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Hey look at this an update. I got really inspired and I also am done with school for the summer. I might have mentioned that I am working 40 hours a week, taking two summer classes, traveling and going to as many sporting events/concerts as possible this summer and if I didn't I am now. So bear with me I will either post really frequently or like once every two weeks depending on how busy I get. 

Tyler goes back to the car and I call the person I need to call. I met this person on accident in March of 2014.

"Hey Rizzo, how are you?"

"I'm great but you're not I can tell. What's up Billy Goat?"

"I have cancer."

"Holy shit balls. Since when have you had it and what kind?"

"I have stage three Breast cancer and I have known since the beginning of April."

"Please tell me that you have been doing your treatments."

"I haven't been doing my treatments. Why would I if about 72% of the people who have stage three live to and past five years. I know I have a large change of surviving but what about the 28% that don't survive? What if I am one of the 28 people that don't make it past five years?"

"You know my grandma had breast cancer the same time I had cancer and she passed away about two weeks after I went into remission. Cancer sucks when you have it and when you know people with cancer it sucks. That is why I help kids with cancer. Families should never have to go through that and adults shouldn't either."

"Other than spending time with your grandma, how did you fight and how did you motivate yourself to live every day? How did you wake up and get out of bed every morning?"

"My grandma was my main motivator and my other motivator was baseball, I guess that both were a blessing in disguise in where I ended up. They loved me when I couldn't love myself. Cancer sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. So what is your job title at the Stars I think you got promoted since I have last talked to you?"

"I have been promoted I am now the vice president of communications. I love it and I still get to be with the boys just as often as I did before even though I am doing something different. It keeps me going somedays."

"Hey fight for me. Fight for Jamie, fight for Tyler and fight for the team. Fight for the city of Dallas and most importantly fight for your family. You should fight to live for the Cubs so you can see them win a world series this year. They all need you in one way or another. They cannot survive without you."

"As much as I want to believe you I can't fight this fight. I can't do this anymore and I think that I have to live my life without treatment. I will just accept the deadline that the doctors give me and live my life to the fullest during that time. Thank you for listening and win the World Series for not only me but for all the female fans that have or had breast cancer. I have to go Tyler is waiting for me we have to go check on Jamie he is in the hospital."

"Hannah does he know?"

"No he doesn't know yet but if he is awake when we get back to the hospital he will then."

"Hannah, Chicago forever and always."

"Chicago forever and always." I say and hang up walking to the car that Tyler is waiting in.

I get in the passenger seat of the car and cry like I haven't done in months. With Jamie in the hospital, with our potential break up and me having cancer I haven't had much time to cry in the past few months let alone few hours. As I am crying I feel Tyler put his hand on my leg. Normally I would make him move it but I don't even care at the moment. It gave me a sliver of peace while I cried in his car.

"We can go when you're ready to go."

I grab Tyler's hand off my leg and hold his hand. "Tyler thanks for listening to me even though at the beginning you had your doubts. I hate seeing Chubs in in the hospital just as much as you do."

"Hey shit happens whether we want it to or not. I won't forget why Chubs is in the hospital but I can forgive the person who put him there. It will take me a while to forgive you but I will. I don't know where you two will end up and how long you will survive but I do know that I will stand by you no matter what. I will love you through your highs and your lows. I know that you don't want the team to take on another Hannah problem but cancer is not only a Hannah problem. We are going to fight cancer for you and with you. When we get back to the hospital we are seeing if there are any breast cancer patients and we are going to visit with them, okay?"

"I don't think I am getting a choice if I get to or not but that's fine."

We take the short trip back to the hospital and we go to the receptionist to see if there were any breast cancer patients there.

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