A little bit of pain

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August 1st 2015

I just got back in town from the One Direction concert in Indianapolis and just got home. I went with a few high school friends that I haven't seen in a while and it was nice catching up with them.

"Do you not love me anymore?" Jamie asks as I set my bag down.

"I don't even get a hello or welcome home first?"

"Hello and welcome home."

"What makes you think that I don't love you anymore?"

"You have been distant lately and I don't know what to do about it."

"Are you upset that I have been hanging out with my friends without you?"

"A little bit and it seems that you have more time for them than for me."

"Jamie, I have spent the past nineteen years with you as a friend, four of those years as you're on and off girlfriend and two as your fiancée. You are now questioning if I love you. It is a choice to be friends and to love people. I have chosen to love you and be your friend for the past nineteen years and you're questioning if I love you? You are getting upset that I went to a concert with friends. I haven't seen some of them since I was in high school."

I start to fiddle with the ring on my finger.

"Jamie maybe I should be asking you if you love me anymore?"


"I don't know the fact that you have to question if I still love you after nineteen years of friendship is one thing. You convinced me six years ago to go to college in Dallas, get a dog with you, and live with you. You know I could have gone to San Francisco for school and had a life out there. I have spent the past six years here with you and I am thinking that I regret coming down to Dallas with you. I think that I went out on a limb six years ago and it was a bad idea."

I say taking my ring off and placed it in his hand. I go up to our room and pack some more of my stuff up and pack my car. I walk out with the last of my stuff right past Jamie who hadn't moved since I gave him the ring. Before I leave Dallas I text JJ say that I was coming over and staying for a little bit. I head to Houston to JJ's house knowing that he will be in town for training camp.

I call Abby Sharp on the way to JJ's house because I needed to talk to someone. You could say over the past four years working for the Stars I got to meet most of the other players and their families on the other teams. Since Patrick got traded to the Stars this summer I have been a little excited for their family to come down to Dallas.

"Hey Hannah what's new?"

"Well I'm on my way to Houston right now Jamie and I had an argument if I still loved him or not. Well it was more of me telling him that I did and I gave him the ring back. Can you have Patrick go check on him possibly at some point?"

"Yeah I can send him over at some point today. Why did this conversation come about?"

"Well this summer I have spent a lot of time with friends from high school and college because working with a hockey team is hectic for most of the year. I got back today from Indianapolis and then he asked me."

"I'm sorry girl. Did you always want to go to school in Dallas?"

"Well no I was trying to decide between a college in Dallas and San Francisco. Jamie convinced me to go to Dallas with him because it was same year he got called up to the Stars. I don't think that we would have met at all if I went to school in San Francisco. I probably would have gotten an internship with the baseball or football team there and we would have never met."

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