She needs you

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Bryce's POV

Hannah goes to pack up her glove and her camera for the trip we are leaving for in the morning.

"Jamie she is a great person and I don't know your guys relationship situation but don't let her go. She seems to have been through too much and sports are her outlet. But it seems that it hurts her to watch and enjoy sports. Just love her and support her even when you fight. She needs you."

"I have always supported her but I don't understand why she is flying to Vegas with you but won't fly to Vancouver with me."

"Maybe it's because she has a different level of trust with you. She knows you better than me and she knows that when you guys drive to Vancouver that you will be making memories with each other. Whatever reason you guys were fighting for you need to apologize for. Even if it wasn't your entire fault apologize. She has this wall up and maybe she needs you to break it down. When she gets back from the trip tomorrow night ask her about it and just listen. Speak as little as possible because she needs someone to listen."

"Why would I do that?"

"She had to look at photos from the year her dad died. She had to go to the past to be okay and you didn't even know she had a tattoo. What has it been a little over a year since you had your fight and you didn't know small things about her?"

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"Love her or someone else will. She needs someone who will love her when she falls and will pick her up when she is down. Don't let someone else take your spot. I mean it, love her with all you can and she won't go anywhere."

"How do I know she won't go anywhere?"

"Dude, how long have you known her?"

"Since she was three and I was five."

"So nineteen years. I don't think that she will go too far, she has spent so much time with you already. She came back to Dallas after your fight didn't she? Can you just trust me on this one and fight for her?"

I know that this one is shorter but in the next chapter there is some personal things I put into the story and I want to make sure I get those parts right.

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