Old Memories

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"Eyer what are you doing in my locker? Don't you have better things to do with your life than to hang out here?"

"Not today loser, I am waiting for J to finish whatever the fuck he is doing then we are going to do something. You know that I like to sit in your locker, you're my birthday buddy."

"You know that I got nine years on you."

"You are close to being right but not exactly nine years asshole its eight years and 364 days. Whitney has nineteen years on me."

"Where are you sitting for opening night? Are you going to sit in your normal seat or sit in the box with the wives and girlfriends?"

"As much as she loves the wives and girlfriends she is going to sit in her normal spot." Jamie said walking over to us kissing me on my forehead.

"Why do you sit in section 309 of all places?"

"My dad wasn't able to go to a Seahawks game once and told me to invite some friends so I got three of my friends to go and we sat in section 309 at CenturyLink Field. One of the friends that I invited committed suicide about a year later and I am still not over it to this day. Every time I go to a sporting event I try and sit in section 309 or the closest one to 309 that I can. This is the first time J has even heard about this. We went to high school with him and he was Jamie's age. It was Tyler who I took and he made my night that night." I say the last sentence to J and not Alex.

"When did he commit suicide?"

"May 3rd 2012 the day before his twenty second birthday."

"Why didn't you tell me that he committed suicide?"

"It was the summer we had our fight and I had just gotten home. I was babysitting for the Greens and I found out through friends on Facebook. I thought you knew that he committed suicide. I'm sorry it took you a year and half to find out. Does that help answer your question Alex?"

"Yes it does. I think that it is awesome that you sit in that section as a tribute to him. If I died would you do something in honor of me?"

"Well hopefully that won't be anytime soon but I could get a tattoo with a 7/30 or something like that."

"You would get a tattoo for me?"

"Yes she would because she already has one on her ribcage area." Jamie tells him.

At this time anybody that was in the locker room was around me trying to get me to show them my tattoo.

"You know that there is an easier way for me to show you my tattoo right?"

"And how is that my Danish?" Roussel asks me using my nickname he gave me because of my obsession with Denmark.

"You could just ask for me to take my shirt off, duh." I say taking my shirt off and throwing it at Roussel.

"You're going to regret throwing that at me." Roussel says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"I swear to God if you hurt me I will fight you."

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"Roussel I wouldn't test her. When we played together she could fight. Let me remind you she played in the division above her and in the boy's league." Jamie states.

"So she is a fighter and I bet that you're great in bed then?"

"Put me the fuck down and give me my shirt. First off you don't get to assume how I am in bed. Second that is personal so if Jamie told you how I am I hate you all. Jamie you need to have coach call an emergency team meeting. He should be there too for the next thing I have to tell you guys." I grab my stuff out of Alex's locker and walk out by myself not caring where I was going.

I am walking because Jamie drove us and I didn't feel like waiting to hear him bitch about how I shouldn't have gone off on Roussel. If only he knew what I went through while he was in Europe. 

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