An Introductory Poem

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Youth- A Poem

When the universe is out to get you

And the answer to the problem is never two

And mostly you just want to die

Congrats, my friend you're young and spry

When you have big plans in your head

But you can't bring yourself to get out of bed

When life seems cruel and uncouth

You're experiencing your youth.

When you see a tall tower full of architectural grit

And you want to jump of the side of it

And you wish you had cooler shoes

The teenage years are visiting you

When you're pretty sure everyone thinks you're weird

Because you're needy, annoying, and can't grow a beard

And you hate going to parties

Join the club bud, you've finally hit puberty

When you write your feelings online

In super annoying rhyme

In books that no one will read

Well then, you're just like me.


Hey guys, I wrote this poem as sort of an intro for this book. It's kind of basic but I hope you like it.  From now on I may do some more poems, but mostly it will be regular diary type entries.

Also, because it was just so damn appropriate, song of the day is Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.

XOXO, pinstripedpants

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