Calum opened the back door and pushed me in. Lightly of course, and I was laughing my ass if the whole time.

"Come on!" I yell outside to the other guys.

"Yeah get in you slow pokes" Calum yelled.

Calum was in the drivers seat, Luke was in the passengers seat, and I was in the backseat, between Michael and Ashton.

It was a tight fit, not going to lie.


When we got to the old, local bowling alley we picked the lane furthest away from everyone so we could be loud and crazy.

Once we put our bowling shoes on, Ashton and I decided to enter our names into the tv thing.

We decided on: C dizzle, MC hammer, Huke, Ashley, and Tay Tay (Ashtons choice). Then we started the game.


Michael was in the lead, I was a close second.

It was currently Calum's turn and I was tap dancing with Ashton and Luke in our snazzy bowling shoes on the fancy bowling floor.

We were all laughing an having a blast. I haven't had this fun in a while. I love them so much. I couldn't stop smiling! I feel so full of life around them, and I just want to freeze time and live in this moment forever.

Ashton was laughing like a maniac trying to match my feet while tap dancing to the song "party in the USA" played by the bowling alley. I was probably smiling like and idiot.

Just then the song ended and I heard the all too familiar strum of a guitar.


The bowling alley is playing She Looks So Perfect.

We all started an amazing performance by ourselves, for no one, with air guitars and Lukes shoes for microphones. We were amazing. Turning the upbeat lyrics into screaming and laughing, Ashton was drumming on the tables to the beat of his song.

I didn't care what anyone thought, I was having fun with people I never thought I could be with.

"And I know now......" I said as I stood on a chair.

"That I'm so down..."

"HEY" I yelled as I jumped off the chair while strumming my air guitar and landing.

They all laughed louder, as did I.

The song faded out and we slouched in chairs exhausted.

"That was fucking awesome" Michael said chuckling.

We all agreed silently, out of breath.

"What do you say, we ditch this place?" Calum asked.

"Yeah" I say.

"Why don't we get something to eat?" Luke offered.


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