Chapter Twenty Six: Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair

Start from the beginning

"You know, I wish I could have a-uh-what's that movie called? The girl with the long hair? It was made when mom was little?" I asked talking to myself. I snapped my fingers trying to recall the name of the movie that I had seen once or twice in the orphanage. "Tangled! That's it," I recalled with a victorious smile. "I wish I could have a Tangled moment where I stare at my ceiling and realize that my psycho parents aren't my parents, and that the guy that everyone thinks is a bad guy, isn't actually a bad guy. He actually really cares about me. He's just a little screwed up in the head, and he has those two little side kick people, but they don't try to kidnap me. Well, I mean Marilyn did," I drug out scratching my chin. "Maybe I'm Rapunzel?" I shook my head. Great, just what I need-another name.

Deciding that talking to myself at three in the morning probably wasn't the most sane thing in the world, I pushed myself out of bed and walked out of my room. True, I was definitely not supposed to be out of my room. It was past pack curfew. I highly doubt I would get in trouble, but if the pack house guards saw me, they could send me back to my room. Thus why I was extra careful making my way to my old room.

Looking both way to make sure no one was watching me, I pushed open the wooden door to be greeted with a familiar setting. The same baby room that I have come to feel comforted by surrounded me. I slowly shut the door behind me and made my way over to the tv.

"What to watch tonight," I drug out tapping my finger to my tooth as I stared at the mass of home movies. "Am I feeling honeymoon stage Alex and Greyson or parent stage? So many options," I mumbled before just choosing a random movie out of the pile that had 'Oct. 2017' written on it. I quietly placed the movie into the tv and waited for it to play.

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Oh my god!" I shouted in a whisper as I rushed to turn the blasting volume of the television down. Once the volume was set to a solid six, I returned my attention back to the screen.

Alex was blowing out candles. She was wearing a hat that said 'Happy f------ birthday'. Greyson was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. His chin sat on her shoulder. Alex was smiling. She was actually smiling.

"Did you make a wish?" Greyson asked. Alex nodded.

"Yeah, I wished you would get off of me," she laughed as she jokingly pushed him away.

"Not what you said last night," Greyson fired back.

"Why do I always chose these videos?" I asked myself as I leaned forward to fast forward the movie. A few seconds later a new video started playing.

Greyson and Alex were both sleeping on the couch. Greyson was behind Alex. Her small body being held against him in his tight grasp. She didn't seem fazed, though. Greyson seemed to be sleeping like an angel while Alex not so much. Her mouth hung open while her hand was flailed backward laying on Greyson's face. They both looked so young. Alex looked like she couldn't be much older than me.

The camera then jostled and shakily turned dangerously close to a little boy's face. His dark brown hair was messily tousled on the top of his head. Big, grey eyes stared widely down at the camera as a dimple showed on his left cheek. It was Riley.

"Mommy told them to sleep in their room. They never listen. Nope," he stated popping the 'p'. "Bubba's always sleepin'..." Riley continued rambling about how 'Bubba' doesn't play with him any more, and how Alex promised to take him for ice cream every Monday because (and I quote) "Monday's suck ass".

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