Chapter Two: Leo

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Chapter Two

Leo's POV

Leo was having a craptastic day.

The Fates, a nightmare about Calypso dying, Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge being attacked. Yeah, Leo was having a great time.

Hazel looked completely freaked out. Piper looked shocked, and Annabeth...she looked as if she was calculating a plan (as usual) but there was something else....a tired look, as if she'd seen too many deaths and injuries. A look full of exhaustion. Meanwhile, Frank had dropped his bagel.

Percy trudged tiredly into the room. He noticed the bagel on the floor. He stared at it for a second before shrugging and picking it up.

"Percy-" Annabeth started, but she never finished her sentence. Percy popped the bagel into his mouth.

"Uh, eww," Leo pointed out helpfully, "and, Hazel has something to tell you."

Percy looked at Hazel, and she explained what she saw.

"Well," Percy said when he'd swallowed the last of his bagel, "that's definitely not good. Do you even know what they were attacked by?"

She shook her head. "All I saw was a line of darkness, and they tried to run....but the darkness reached them, there was an explosion...."

Piper frowned at me. "Leo? You look like you just saw Coach in the shower."

"Worse." I explained about the line of darkness in my dream, but I left Calypso out. I just said that I saw an island being destroyed. He didn't tell them about the Fates either. I didn't think they needed anymore bad news at the time. He also mentioned Octavian and the Romans approaching. Leo figured that was important.

"Where's Jason?" Piper asked. "He should be here to hear this."

Leo grinned. "Let me handle that."

~+~ ~+~ ~+~

Five minutes later, Jason was in the meeting room. Soaking wet, courtesy of a bucket of ice water Leo had kept on hand for pranks.

"What is it?" Jason snapped.

When Hazel explained, Jason seemed to forget how cold and wet he was. Actually, he jumped out of his chair and yelped. "What?!"

"You heard her," 'Persassy' said not-so-helpfully.

"And that's not all," Annabeth added. "Leo?"

Leo told Jason the parts that he'd told everyone else.

Jason frowned. "This gets better and better."

Leo wished he knew how much worse it was going to get.

~+~ ~+~ ~+~

After the meeting, when demigods began to drift off to do other things (Percy and Annabeth were making out), when Jason pulled Leo aside.

"Okay Valdez, tell me what happened while you were gone. Now."

Leo sighed. He figured Jason wouldn't give up, so he looked him in the eye. "You want to know, Jason?"

"Um, DUH."

"Well...." Leo fiddled with a screwdriver in his tool belt. "When I was flung off the ship...I was sent to Calypso's island."

Jason's eyes widened.

Leo continued. "At first, Calypso and I kinda hated each other. I was gone for so long because the raft that takes you back only appears for guys she likes. Then...we kinda started to like each other. But when the raft appeared...before I left, she kissed me. And I swore-on the River Styx-that I'd come back for her."


Leo glared at Jason. "Don't tell me it's impossible. It's NOT impossible. I WILL see her again."

Jason looked at Leo sadly. "You sound like you're trying to convince yourself."

~+~ ~+~ ~+~

Why couldn't Jason understand?

Leo couldn't fail anyone else. He'd failed Percy and Annabeth, when they fell into Tartarus and he could do nothing. He'd failed his mom, when she'd burned in a fire he'd caused. Leo couldn't fail Calypso. He WOULDN'T.

If he failed....Leo didn't think he'd ever be able to forgive himself.

Suddenly, music started blaring from the intercom speakers. It sounded like a death march.

Who knows, how long, I've been awake now

The shadows on my wall don't sleep

They keep calling me, beckoning

Who knows, what's right

The lines keep getting thinner

My age has never made me wise

Annabeth stopped what she was doing and frowned.

But I keep pushing on, and on, and on, and on.

There's nothing left to say now

Frank looked at the ceiling.

There's nothing left to say now

Jason looked at Piper, and she gazed at him sadly.

I'm giving up, giving up, hey, hey, giving up now

I'm giving up, giving up, hey, hey, giving up now

Percy looked at his shoes.

Below my soul, I feel an engine

Collapsing as it sees the pain

If I could only shut it out

Leo closed his eyes.

I've come too far to see the end now

Even if my way is wrong

I keep pushing on, and on, and on, and on

Annabeth locked eyes with Percy, and they shared a sad smile.

There's nothing left to say now

There's nothing left to say now

Piper sighed.

I'm giving up, giving up, hey, hey, giving up now

I'm giving up, giving up, hey, hey, giving up now

Hazel sat down heavily onto a chair.

I keep falling, I keep falling down

I keep falling, I keep falling down, hey

Percy grasped Annabeth's hand.

I keep falling, I keep falling down

I keep falling, I keep falling down

If you could only save me

I'm drowning in the waters of my soul!

What a nice metaphor.

There's nothing left to say now

There's nothing left to say now

I'm giving up, giving up, hey, hey, giving up now

I'm giving up, giving up, hey, hey, giving up now

When the music faded, everyone was silent. Piper hugged Jason, Frank put an arm around Hazel, and Percy and Annabeth kissed, of course.

Leo stood there. Alone.

As always.


Hello, my demigods!

I decided to pick on shall be forever known as Pick-On-Repair-Boy day!!!!

Yes? Yes? No? Okay.

Let's see....what else...oh, yes, I might add this song (Nothing Left to Say-Imagine Dragons) in the multimedia. The HoO tribute. ITS SO SAD!!!!

Chicken and waffles,


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