chapter 8

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I switched the light on and sat down on the floor of my bedroom. Bending down I pulled the wooden box from under the bed and opened it.

The smell was the first thing to hit me. It smelt like roses. My aunt had always smelt of roses. I remembered when I arrived in the house the night after my parents died. Aunt Kate opened the front door and pulled me into a hug. I was surrounded by the smell of roses and since then I have always felt secure when I smelt it.

I started to lift out the art pads until I found what I was looking for.

A bundle of envelopes. They were tied up with a deep blue satin ribbon. I felt a mix of emotions maybe I shouldn't be reading her mail but I wanted to feel close to her again. I wanted to know the young Kate. The girl who lived in Barton-Green.

The ribbon fell to the floor and I put my back against the bed for support. They where all in date order. I opened the first unfolding the paper carefully.

'Dear Miss Turner

It is with great delight that I am able to offer you the position of up stairs maid.

Yours Jonathan Barton.'

A maid. I knew she worked up at the hall but I never knew she was a maid. Not that its a bad thing I just never knew.

I opened the next one.

'Miss Turner

I want to express my sincere gratitude. Your quick thinking and fast movement saved my study. I will be for ever greatful.

Yours Jonathan Barton.'

She saved his study? What happened?

I made a mental note to ask old Joe if he knew anything.

'Miss Turner,

Your knowledge of English art is outstanding. I would be pleased if could come to my study at 2 o'clock on Thursday.

Jonathan Barton'

I kept opening and reading the letters watching the relationship develop into a working partnership. They worked together on his book. Discussing points of Art and pictures. Whether the artist had hope to achieve the sunlight that looked as if it was dancing in the sitters eyes or what was down the road the cart was travelling.

I could read the happiness between the lines of the letters. The smiles on his face as he wrote and the smile on her's as she read them.

'Miss Turner

Please forgive me. I have grown so accustom to your company that I forgot myself. I feel I over stepped my mark. I hope that you can forgive and return to work. I miss you terribly.

Yours Jonathan'

Of course Aunt Kate went back and the letters took on a real personal feel.

'My dearest Kate

I must see you. The time we spend together is not enough. I want to spend every waking moment with you. I think I am in love with you.


He loved her!

Of course he loved her.

'Kate my darling,

I must tell her. I can not lie to her. They can not make me marry her when I do not love her. I love you.


What's happening.

I'm so confused.

I have to fine someone who knows what happened between them. Maybe old Joe will know.


Please do not leave me. I do not think I can live with out you.


The letters stopped but I knew in my heart that the story didn't.

I tied the ribbon round the bundle again and lifted the box again.

My eyes where drawn to the corner were a little black box sat.

I lifted it up the velvet was worn and the little lid lifted with ease.

Inside was the most beautiful diamond ring.

The stone was a big as my thumb nail and not a flaw in it.

I turned the ring in my hand and noticed the engraving on the inside of the band.

'J & K'

Barton Green.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora