Chapter 4

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I woke up to the light streaming in through the little window in my bedroom. Laying there I planned out my day ahead. I would go across to the post office and find out about the bus to the supermarket.

Then I would visit the little church and find out if anyone there knew anything about my aunt or Jonathan. Someone in this place had to know what happened between them.

As wondered down stairs seen a letter on the door mat. Its only 7:25am the postman can't have been already. I lifted the cream coloured envelope up off the mat and turned it over. The paper felt thick and heavy. I pulled out a single sheet.

Welcome to Barton-Green. Hope you will be happy living here. You are invited to morning coffee at Barton Hall. On Saturday at 10am. Hope to see you then. Clara Barton.

Clara such a nice name. Maybe morning coffee wouldn't to bad. What was morning coffee anyway? What did I have to wear. Did I need to bring anything with me.

I made a mental note to ask Janet when I went for dinner tonight.

I looked at the clock as the someone knocked the door. It was the guy from the telephone company come to sort out the broadband. If I wanted to work I needed an internet connection. I'd arranged a few days off for the move and settling in but I enjoyed writing my piece for the magazine.

Everyone wanted an answer from Dear Amy!

That's right I'm an agony aunt.

I'll fix any problem you have.

From ageing relatives (should always be looked after) to wandering boyfriends (should be got rid of) and everything in between.

I left the man to his work and set about emptying the boxes left over from yesterday. Mostly my own books, I love reading, and a few bits belonging to my aunt that I could bring myself to throw away. I lifted her sketch books out of the box and sat myself on the floor.

The covers were all dated so I started with the latest one and opened the book.

The first page was a picture of Lulu. Our cat she had to be put down about 3 weeks be for my aunt passed away. She lay on the chair by the fire and slept. Next there were pictures of flowers,birds and animals. My aunt was quite an accomplish artist. I picked up the next book. It was much the same only this time there were a few pictures of me! Me, she drew me. I can't believe it. Pictures of me dancing, studying and even one in my formal dress. I picked up an other book there I was looking younger playing in the garden. Eating dinner by the table. It was so amazing. She had drawn me at ever moment in my life. My first dance, my first day at school, my first recital. It was so beautiful, so much better than a photo album. A tear escaped down my cheak. Then I found drawings of my mother. As I went back through I seen pictures of my grandmother and my aunt. Then I found Jonathan. A young man with clean cut features. Black hair and dark eyes. I sat glued to those eyes.

A cough startled me and I jumped.

'Sorry' the guy said 'hope I did scare you to much.'

'I was day dreaming. Have you finished already.'

'Yeah. All done. I call the company and they said it will be all switched on by lunch time. If there are any problems ring me and I'll come back'

'Thank you so much.' I offered and said goodbye.

I checked my watch 10am. I picked up my coat and purse. Making sure the door was locked I made my way to the post office.

The grey hair lady behind the counter smiled as I entered the shop.

'So your the new girl that moved into Rose Cottage. Its great to see a new face in the village. We haven't had anyone move in since the vicar moved in 9 years ago. Lovely man the vicar. Are you settling in ok?' Without waiting for an answer she continued on. 'So you'll be looking for the bus time table. There's only two buses each week out to town. One for market on Wednesday and one on Saturday. We have a village bus if you need to go any where else. Old Joe drives that and you can book it here. Don't be afraid to ask. Have you had an invite from the hall yet. I'll be surprised if you didn't she never misses a trick her.'

I stood looking round me as she ranted on. There was everything you could imagine in the shop. Anything you might need in a hurry. The place was packed from floor to ceiling. Every nook and cranny was filled with something. I was wide eyed with wonder how did she ever find anything. The door bell sounded again as another customer entered the shop stopping the grey haired lady mid rant.

'Do you ever stop Emily? I bety you haven't even told this young lady you name!' Turning to me he said 'My name is Joseph, but people round these parts call me old Joe.' Sticking his hand out to shake mine.

'Nice to meet you Joe. My name's Kate.'

'So what is a nice young lady doing moving in to Barton-Green'

'My aunt lived here when she was young. So when she passed away I felt a pull here.' Why was I telling him this. What was it about this man that I wanted to pour my heart out to him. 'I'm called after her. Her name was Kathleen Woodburn.'

His face faltered but he held it firm.

He broke into a smile and nodded his head as if remembering.

'I knew her well I did. I tended her roses in the garden. Such a lovely lady. Made great cookies she did.'

I stood there with my mouth hanging opened looking at the man in the doorway.

'Her rose garden?' I asked

'Oh yes.' He said. 'That's why it was named Rose Cottage.'

I stumbled back. Rose Cottage. My cottage.

'Are you ok.' He asked reaching out to steady me.

'I'm. I'm. I don't know. I didn't know when I bought it. She never told me about this place. About anything.'

'She had her reasons girl, she had her reasons'

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