chapter 5

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I knew nothing about Rose Cottage. Aunt Kate never mentioned the name of the house she lived in. Only the name of the village and that she worked in the manor house as a scullery maid.

I stood mouth wide open.

'Is everything alright' a voice asked behind me. I forgot about the shopkeeper. Oh help!

'I'm fine. I think. I just never knew'

Old joe looked at me as if wondering what he said.

'I've moved into Rose Cottage.' I supplied the answer to his un asked question.

'Put the kettle on Emily. Kate will need hot sweet tea. I think its been a shock, to much to take in. I am sorry girl I didn't realise.'

'Its ok Joe. I'm ok. Think it might be nice to get to know people who knew her.'

Let it all sink in. My head was spinning round and round in circles. I felt so sick. How could I not have known. She must have told me the name. I raked through my mind trying to find times we spoke about Barton Green. Nothing came to mind.

Her cottage! I'm living in her cottage. She always did love her garden. Can't understand why she ever moved to London. I know she married once maybe she had moved to London then.

Breaking into my thoughts I heard someone speaking.

'Your tea' said Emily 'come sit by here. You poor child what must you think of all us folk in the village.'

'I just never knew about it all. She was a very private lady. I've only just discovered how good she was at drawing.' I laughed nervusly. 'How could I live with someone for 12 years and not know them.' I asked myself just as much as them.

'Your only a child. A lot of people only learn the truth after a person is gone' he nodded his head as if remembering a private moment.

'Did you know her well Joe?' I asked the man as I sipped my tea.

'I did that girl. I did that.' He smiled at me. 'I use to watch her draw her roses as I tidied the garden.'

Those must be the drawing I seen in her books. She had drawn her life story into those pages. Now all I had to do was follow the clues.

'Is that tea alright for you dear or would you like some more?' Emily asked

'No. I'm fine now.' I stood up and wiped my hands down my jeans. 'Think I'll just get what I need and head on home. I've work to be doing. If I don't do it the back log will take for ever to clear.'

I got the few bits and pieces I needed and the times of the buses. Said my goodbyes to Emily and headed home. As I walked passed the pub Joe shouted and stopped me.

'Take a seat if you will'

I nodded and sat opposite him.

'I would like to help if I can. I'm assuming you want to find out about your aunt. More now than before. So if you after some answers just ask and I'll do my best.'

I smiled and nodded. Taking a monent to think and pull myself together I then answered.

'That's good to know. I do have a question now. If you can answer it. I would be grateful.

He looked me in the eyes and said 'Take your time lass, some answers will be hard to take.'

'This one is one I need an answer to.'

He nodded in response.

'Who is Clara Barton?'

'Clara?' He almosted shouted. I nodded. 'She! Is an old busy buddy who likes to poke her nose into things like most women of her age. I'm I correct in thinking you've been summons for coffee at the manor then.'

'Yes. On Saturday at 10am. I assume this is nothing new to you then. Should I be worried?'

'I think you hold your own. It's a stretch of the leg up the road. I'll save you the walk and pick you up at 9:45.

'Oh you don't have to' I started.

'No worries. I have to pick the papers up. I'll be seeing you Saturday then' He dismissed me.

I picked up my shopping thanked him again and headed home.

The afternoon flew by in a blink of an eye and I really hadn't made a dent in the emails to 'Dear Amy'. None the less I was getting hungry and my stomach was complaining loudly about the lack of food.

The atmosphere in the pub was the same as the night before. I ordered dinner and went to sit in the same corner seat. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed the shiny shoes and newspaper again beside the fire. I haven't even seen his face and he has this effect on me. What am I like. Soon Janet arrived with my food and like the night before when I finished he had gone.

The next few days passed in the same way I worked during the day on 'Dear Amy' then came to the pub for dinner in the evening. The shiny shoes were there each night and each night I missed his face.

On Friday evening Janet took a seat with me when she brought down the food. 'Will you be staying this evening.' She asked me. 'You could get to know a few of the faces.'

'Ok' I said. 'I could do with a night in company'.

The time went so fast and I was introduced to so many people, but at 10:30pm I had to go home. Joe was picking me up in the morning and I had the feeling i would need all my wits about me when meeting Clara.

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