Barton Green.

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I stood leaning up against the door frame watching the men close the back of the removal van. As they turned to face me I gave a small wave and smile.

This was it. The new beginning that everyone kept telling me about. With a sigh I pulled the door behind me and skipped down the steps.

'We'll be leaving now.' The driver said putting his cap back on his head.

I said my thank you's and told them again that I knew the way to the new house quite well. Handing over the spare key we agreed to meet there. I waved as they drove down the street. Taking one last look over my shoulder I opened the door of my car and slipped into the drivers seat. As I set off down the road I could help but think how all this came about.

I had come to live with my Great Aunt Kate when I was six. My parents died in a car crash. With my parents and me being only children I had come to live with my closest living relative. Aunt Kate was old even then, but there was nothing I ever wanted for. She was always there for me. She sat by my bed when I had chicken pox. Stood proud for me when I was awarded my school exams. Made hot chocolate and cakes when my heart was broken by the boys at high school.

So why was I sat here in a traffic jam on my own?

Well that one was easy. Four days after my 22nd birthday. I woke up to a very still house. Something was wrong. Very wrong. I got out of bed and walked slowly down the corridor to my Aunts room. Opening the door I saw her laying in the bed. Sheets tucked up to her chin and her hair curler's peeping out from under the hair net on her head. She looked so peaceful. I didn't need to go any further into the room. I knew she had gone.

The next few weeks passed by in a blur of funeral, house hunting and packing. I knew I didn't want to stay in the house I had to start fresh somewhere else. Somewhere that wasn't the city.

So here I am. Satting in a traffic jam on my way to my new house, my new life and hopefully a great future.

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