Chapter 2

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It was mid afternoon by the time I drove my little car into Barton-Green.

Barton-Green was the perfect little picture postcard village.

That's how I found it.

I was looking through my aunts personal things trying to find the phone number for her solicitor. I seen a postcard sticking out from between the pages of her phone book. 'The village green.' the picture showed a lush green patch of green with the quaint thatched English pub in the background. On the small field happy children played games and families picnicked in the sunshine. There were also cricket stumbs set up in the back round.

Slowly I turned over the card.

'My Dearest Kate. How I wish this was us on our green. Maybe fate will return you to me again one day. Yours forever Jonathan.

My heart was caught. I knew then I wanted to go to Barton-Green.

So here I was. I seen the removal van as I turned on the village green. The men had nearly finished unloading they must have missed traffic that I ending up sitting in. I was glad that money wasn't a problem any more and I could afford to have these men do all the hard work for me. I smiled as I seen Rose cottage, 2, The Village Green. My new home.

The cottage had the most beautiful garden full of roses from which it took its name. Red, yellow and pink they shone in the sunlight. Welcoming me to my new begining. The walls of the cottage where thick stone and with only one floor the kitchen and living space where open plan to the left when you came through the door with the bedroom to the right and the bathroom beyond that. It was big enough for me. 

The removal company had put all the furniture in the right places and connected the washing machine and cooker up. Where to begin? All I had to do was unpack the few boxes that had personal things in it. Among it was the postcard from Jonathan. I propped it up on the fire mantel and spun round clapping my hands with joy at my new place.

Ficking the switch on the kettle i made a pot of tea and curled up on the window seat, watching the village children run across the village green I wondered what I would do next.

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