chapter 6

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I heard the gate click shut and the door knocked just as few seconds later. I pulled my cardigan over my shoulders. Why was I so nervous about going to the manor.

Janet told me that Clara was extremely nice and I would enjoy myself. So why did I feel like I was missing something?

I opened the door and there stood Old Joe. His smile broke his face in two.

'Good morning Kate. I've got the papers so if your ready we can go straight there.'

I lifted the bag from the shelf by the door and walked down the path after him. He raised his eyebrow at the bag.

'Its just a gift for Clara. I can't go with nothing' I answered his question

'She wants for nothing except company that one'

I grinned as he opened the car and slipped into the seat. What a gentleman. I was as excited as a child at christmas.

'I hope I'm not taking you out of your way Joe?'

'Not at all. Its always great to have a pretty face in the car.'

We drove out past the Three Feathers and up the lane. The trees lined either side of the road. Making the road seem like a tunnel with the light at the end. We travel toward the light. As the trees came to an end the fields opened up and there on the hill stood Barton Hall.

The grey building stood. like a fort, its demanding presences calling to all around it to 'look at me!'

'Oh my goodness' I gasped

'It does look good. There are only a few rooms used now but I know Clara is hoping there will be children to fill up the place soon.'

I looked at him. We pulled up to the front door and a man in uniform hurried down the steps.

'See she has you all dressed up for the occasion Mike.' Joe handed him the keys and offered me his arm. I turned to look at him. 'Come on now Kate my aunt Clara doesn't like to be kept waiting!'

'Your aunt?'

'Is that you Joe?' A voice asked from inside the house. 'Bring her into the blue drawing room we'll have coffee there'

'Your Aunt! You never told me! You. You.'

'You never asked.' He countered. 'Does it make a difference?'

'No.' I faltered.

'So hurry up then.'

We walked up the steps and in through the oversized oak doors. The hall looked big enough to hold my entire cottage.

'This way.' He pointed to the left towards an open door. As we walked through I found out why it was called the blue drawing room. The walls were a lovely sky blue and the sofas and seats where various shades of darker blues. The coffee tables had blue napkins and vases with an array of blue flowers. It was beautiful. There stood by the fireplace was the most stunning lady I'd ever seen. Her wide legged trousers and shirt were made of satin like the movie stars of the twenties.

'Welcome to Barton Hall. My name is Clara Barton and I'm so glad to see new blood move into to village.'

'New blood. Aunt Clara you will frighten the life out of the girl! We're not vampires!' Turning to me he said 'she is just glad she has someone new to bend the ear off. Cause the rest of us are fed up of listening!' He bent over and kissed her check.

She rolled her eyes. 'I see you know my Joseph. My brother in laws son. Black sheep of the family. We only let him stay here cause no one else would have him.'

'As funny as ever Clara. You know you would miss me if I was to leave.'

I smiled thinking to myself I really think I'll fit right in here.

'Now, now children' I scolded. 'No bickering in front of the visitors'

They both looked at me. Remembering that I was in the room.

Joe went red and excused himself on the pretence of getting us all coffee. Clara clapped her hands.

'That was so funny' she exclaimed. 'I haven't seen any one made Joe blush since he and my son  John were caught peeking in the girls showers at school.'

I laughed so much as Clara told me more and more story's about Joe and his cousin. The door creaked as Joe arrived with the coffee.

'When you have finished laughing at me.' He said.

'I'm so sorry, but she tells them so well.' I blushed. We spent the rest of the morning chatting easily about everything. I even told Clara my real job not just that I worked journalism. She thought it was great and even offered to write some answers for me. I couldn't believe it when the clock in the hall struck one.

'Oh my goodness. I have a meeting with my boss. He is calling me at 2 o'clock. I still have work to do on my report'

'Who works on a Saturday!' Clara exclaims. As if shocked by her outburst she said sorry and asked if I would call again. Having assured her that I would call someday next week, Joe and I made our way back to the village.

'Thank you Joe. I had a lovely time.'

'Just ring when you want to go back and I'll pick you up.'

With a quick wave I ran into the cottage and turned the computer on. 34 emails I'm so dead!

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