58. [HER]

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It is the same game I had played with Teddy last year, and we had lost badly. But he was still glad that we were able to pass the first round.

That was him. Teddy, my brother, who never complained, who was the most content, satisified boy that ever was.

I can't stand it anymore. I leave before the competition end.

I wander around the food stores that have temporarily come up, but nothing interests me anywhere. I finally sit on a lonely bench in the park and start watching people. But as always, there isn't anything remotely interesting around school. I finally stand up to leave but the security is tight and I don't think they would let me cross the gate without a huge fuss.

Everybody seems to be busy with something or the other, and nobody notices as I climb up the steep ladder of our clock tower.

Before I reach the top, night has fallen. There is a faint yellow light at the top and I sit on the floor listening to the beating sound of the huge clock.

And my heartbeat merges with it.

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