[30] HER.

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As the night falls and I lay on my newly laid pink bedsheet, all I can think about is the boy who smiled

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As the night falls and I lay on my newly laid pink bedsheet, all I can think about is the boy who smiled. I continuously try to convince myself that it's my father's watch that I am thinking about.

But my heart definitely knows better.

It surprises me that a boy, a mere boy who just happened to smile at me, is occupying my mind so much.

A boy with whom I have talked just once in my entire life.

As my eyes slowly close in exhaustion, for the first time in months, there aren't my parents in my dreams. There is the guy in the blue shoes and just as I like it, he is smiling at me.

"Here is your watch," he tells me.
"Thank you," I reply with glee.

The scene plays inside my head over and over again but I am not bored of it.

And just like that, I finally have a night of sound sleep.


I am so sorry for not doing this before, but BLUE HIT 1K READS!!! AIN'T THAT BLOODY AWESOME.

Thank you everyone for taking out time to read this blue little book. Really means a lot to me.

A little blue writer. xD

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