49. [HIM]

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I see the crowd from the other end of the corridor, but I don't care enough to rush towards there like some of the children did. I walk slowly, but I don't have to reach there to know what's wrong.

It's Eira. She runs pasts me. I only see her for a blurred moment but I am sure I read the tears right. The whole crowd turn around and stare at her before dissipating and returning to their own businesses.

I don't waste a second before I rush down the same stairs she went down to. It's the haunted place in our school. No one goes there.

The place where I first met Eira.

She is sitting with her head buried down in her knees and hair jumbled. There aren't any waling sounds, but the pain rebounds across and into me.

Everything is the exact same as that day.

Except, I decide to do something different.

I sit beside her.

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