Harmony power

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"No! Girls wait!!" Twilight tried to stop them. But she couldn't. They were corrupted harmony. They were Discorded. They weren't... Friends.
Twilight felt a pain in her chest as she gained a grey color. She went to her dorm upset.

Twilight sat depressed. Alone in her dorm. All of her friends. Gone. She didn't need them!! She was perfectly fine alone.
"Twilight snap out of it!!" Spike said desperately.
"I can't.. I don't need friends." She muttered.
The sky was pouring chocolate milk from cotton candy clouds. Monsters raged outside. It was absolute chaos. The harmony heros were disbanded. Twilight didn't have the power to defeat discord.
Then her phone rang. It played one of her bands songs.
A friend for life that's what you are to me.
Before picking up the phone, she listened on. Her friends... Their voices. The spirit and joy they felt from that song...
Twilight's eyes gained their sparkle again as she returned from her dull state.
Her necklace glowed brighter.
"My friends! Now I know. They are the opposites of themselves. But I will save them!" Twilight said.
"How?" Spike said.
"They have their necklaces. This song may be the way to set them free. They just need to hear it." She said.
She stood up brave.
"He wants to blind us from the good of our elements." Spike said.
"Come on! Let's go!" Twilight said.
The Two went back to the court yard. Most students were statues. Twilight saw her friends. With discord.
"Let them go!" She commanded.
He snapped his fingers causing her friends to transform. In a dark glow of light they were in different outfits. They were dark PreCure.
"Discord precures attack her!" He commanded.
The girls sprang forward at a confused twilight.
They were going to fight her. And she would have to fight them back.

[MLP] Harmony PreCure 2: DiscordedWhere stories live. Discover now