A discordant class

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music class was outside in the courtyard. Twilight and Rarity were in their small class group as the class was doing group work in pairs.
"You are so fabulous at note arrangement Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed at her friend.
"Why thank you." She smiled and laughed and pretended to wear their work paper as a hat.
Twilight enveloped in giggles.
Across the room, Flash sentry and his friend micro chip, a nerd, were working. Flash was doing fine, until he felt a weird feeling. Jealously and hate. His eyes glowed red as he scoffed.
"You got to be So SMART and ruin my love of music! Your a nerd!" He spat in a mean tone. Twilight's ears perked up. How could he say such a thing? Twilight tapped Rarity and she noticed.
"Twilight he is radiating something dark." Rarity Exclaimed as she gasped at the sight.
"I am not being a nerd! Your a musicaholic!" Micro chip exclaimed, his eyes glowing red. Then they began to glow. Suddenly the sky darkened. The clouds were turning pink and a strange substance began to rain. A brown sweet serving of chocolate milk began to rain down. As that happened the concrete of the courtyard patio turned to soap.
That's when Flash and micro froze into stone! Two stone statues frozen in a fight position. The students began to run away as Twilight spotted him. A man floating in the sky. She didn't get a good look at him before he disappeared. She could have sworn he was mismatched with his clothes.
Out of nowhere Two creatures, a giant guitar and a giant cauculator. And they didn't look too friendly!
"Darling I suggest we transform now!" Rarity yelped as she leapt out the way of a projectile. Twilight nodded.
"PreCure, Pony Up!" They said together as they sparkled.
Their element pendants glowed causing their PreCure outfits to pop on. Boots, gloves, dresses and tiaras.
"Cure Magic!"
"Cure Generousity!"
"Harmony PreCure!" They said in unison.
Twilight took in the first hit on the guitar. After a few rapid punches, she left it to rarity.
"PreCure, Diamond darts!" Rarity yelled sending a wave of diamond shards at the calculator, leaving it in the dust.
"PreCure, Shooting starswirl!" Said Twilight as she aimed a dazzling array of pink stars at the guitar, hitting a few notes in the process.
Then they got back up.
"Those blasts should have done it!" Rarity pouted.
"Let's try a combination!" Twilight announced quickly.
"Unicorn mode!" The Two yelled hand in hand. The two gained pony ears and unicorn horns.
"Diamond Starburst!" Said Rarity and Twilight as they summoned twinkling 5white stars that looked like diamonds. They hit the two monsters. They started to shake. Then the stars turned to cotton candy and floated up to join its fellow clouds.
"I hope the others are ok...we should send our elements to celestia for a check up." Twilight suggested.
"Sounds fine, I'll tell the others to do the same and meet us there." Rarity agreed and took out her phone.

[MLP] Harmony PreCure 2: DiscordedWhere stories live. Discover now