Back to square one

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Discord revealed himself laughing insanely. The labyrinth was indeed a trap. The elements were not there.
"It's gonna be a storm of chaos." Discord chuckled to himself.
"No...were gonna stop you!" Twilight said. "Right girls?"
The girls seemed out of it. "Right."
But what could they do? The elements weren't there. That's when twilight remembered the last part of the riddle. "...back where you began"
Back where they began was earth! The elements must be back at school!
"Girls, we need to get back to school! I have a hunch." Twilight announced. They soon made it back, the monsters from earlier were still raging.
Twilight bust into the dorm room the girls trailed behind.
"Girls what is Wrong with you, where is your spirit!" Twilight snapped.
"They are acting wierd." Fluttershy said.
"Why aren't you all, like them?" Twilight asked confused.
"Fist thing I saw, I ran." Fluttershy said timidly.
"Discord did something.."
"That lying snake!" Fluttershy snapped.
Twilight began to look through for her elements guidebook.
"Spike!" She yelled.
Spike crawled over.
"Yes? Why is everyone so lifeless?" He asked.
"Discord isn't playing fair. He must have put a spell on them. I need the element book now!" Twilight commanded.
"Alright, here" spike grabbed the book off the shelf and it smacke twilight's face.
"Thanks..." She muttered. She turned open the book. Then in the middle of the book, the pages were hollowed out! In side were the elements! Now they could defeat discord!
"The elements! We can transform!" Fluttershy screamed in a quiet tone.
"Girls! Put them on!" Twilight said.
The girls besides Fluttershy and twilight were turning gray.
They groaned and put on their necklaces.
The girls were lead by a determined twilight sparkle outside to where discord was sitting in a wacky throne in the court yard.
"Oh what have you got there..." He said playfully.
"The weapons of your chaos' end!" Fluttershy snapped fierce.
"Guess I didn't corrupt one." He muttered. Then a blue beam struck out at Fluttershy. She gained the same grey luster.
"Grr! Pretty cure, pony up!" Twilight said.
Twilight transformed but none of the others did!
"What a lovely attack! I win!" Discord cackled. The girls walked away.

[MLP] Harmony PreCure 2: DiscordedWhere stories live. Discover now