Regaining Memories

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Twilight sparkle fiddled with her magical necklace and reflected last weeks events. She had learned of her destiny of a Harmony PreCure. She sighed as she did her homework. She felt like he wanted to know more. But one question stayed. Were they going to leave her?
A knock sounded at the dorm door. Twilight heard the toiled flush as her rambunctious pink haired roommate pinkie pie rushed to get it. She was a PreCure as well as the girls who walked in as she opened the door.
The whole harmony PreCure was there!
"So, we have made our decision..." Applejack said.
"Yes I understand..." Twilight began afraid.
"We have decided to stay on earth with you!" Rarity announced excitedly.
"Really?" Twilight felt her pressure lift off her like balloons.
"Hugs! Hugs now!" Pinkie said Grabbing everyone including Twilight's Dragon Spike from his nap. She pulled them all in to a group hug.
"So what were you working on? We brought cookies." Fluttershy said.
"Yeah! One for each of us!" Rainbow said revealing a batch of six cookies. Each was unique.
"They have our cutie marks!" Pinkie squealed.
Twilight looked confused.
The girls shook their heads. Yeah something was up.
"I wouldn't know what that is..." Twilight said confused.
"Spike... You haven't have her back the memory?" Fluttershy asked as spike sat and put his face in his claws.
"Memory? What memory?" Twilight began to get scared.
"Relax. Your memory just got woozy of the past before earth." Applejack explained.
"You mean I could remember being back home?" Twilight asked.
"Yes, with a simple spell!" Pinkie said.
"That spike should have cast..." Rarity muttered.
"I will do it, geez!" Spike whinned. His scales glowed white as a claw blasted a magic ray at Twilight. Then she began to remember. The necklace, getting spike and what she was. A magical prodigy Of princess celestia. She was doing magic work!
"It's all so clear now.." Twilight said hugging her friends.
"Can we get back to the spell?" Spike said to Twilight.
Twilight showed her friends the spells she was learning.
They marveled at her excellence.
"Very impressive Twi. Your definitely cut out for magic." Applejack nodded.
"That's why your Cure Magic!" Pinkie said.
They had their elements. They had each other, nothing was going to defeat them.

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