Thanksgiving Party

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Y/n Pov

I finished curling my long ombre hair, which was in a high ponytail. I looked at the mirror one more time before stepping into my dress. Which was a long red dress with a slit at the end, with my favorite red pair of stilettos. Today i was going to the Jauregui's for thanksgiving this year, last year i spent it with my girlfriend in Utah.

I grabbed my black handbag purse before walking out my house, closing the door behind me. I stepped out of my house the fresh wind blowing through my hair and face. I smiled before going towards my car unlocking the door than hurriedly got inside. Just as i was about to drive off my ringtone came on, i picked it up than answered it.


Hi babe, what'cha doing

Um, i'm in thr car heading your way babe

Well hurrry up i'm borrrrrred

Ok ok i'll be there in a minute baby see you soon

Ok, I love you and drive safe.

I love you to

I hung up the phone after our conversation before driving out the drive way, towards Lauren's house.

I walked up the steps of the Jauregui residences, cautiously careful not to trip on these heels. I knocked firmly on the front door hearing the youngest Jauregui scream "I'LL GET IT!" than footsteps heading towards the door. "Y/N!" Taylor scream tangling me into a tight hug. I laughed hugging her just as tight, when we let go i kissed the top of her forehead throwing my arm over her shoulder. I pulled her into a side hug walking us towards the kitchen. "Where's Lo?" i asked playing with her long brown hair. "She's in her room, you can go up there if you want she's been complaining about how you were taking forever" Taylor said teasingly i laughed before heading towards her room door.

I slowly peek through the door seeing her laying face down on her bed sleeping. I laughed at her position before opening her door all the way, slowly walking in. "Lolo" i said shaking her slightly. "Lo" i said shaking her a little harder this time. "Wha?...." Lauren said in a daze looking around sleepily. She stopped when her eyes landing on me, causing her to smile big.

"Baby!" she yelped embracing me in a tight hug. I smiled brightly kissing her temple, my lips lingering. When we broke though i just noticed what she was wearing. A long white t-shirt with blue loose running shorts. "Oh...this isn't what i'm wearing i was just waiting on you to come before i change" she said with a little blush on her pale cheeks.

"Ok babe i'll give you your privacy" i said walking out the room and downstairs.

"Damn......" i whispered under my breathe taking in Lauren's appearance. She had on a pink lace dress crossed back just stopping under her thighs, with black crossed heels. My mouth watered at the sight, as she smirked down the stairs. "Close your mouth" Lauren whispered kissing my bottom lip slightly, before closing it.

I rolled my eyes playfully grabbing her waist pulling it towards you. "You look beautiful babe" i said kissing her cheek, which were a bright red. "Thank you, so do you" she said taking my hand in hers leading us to the kitchen. " smells amazing in here" i said going towards Mrs. Jauregui hanging my arms around her shoulders, kissing her cheek. "Hmmm thank you sweetheart, i did it with noooo help" she said looking the kitchen glaring at everybody. Everybody laughed before we started to set up the table.


"Who wants to pray" Mrs. Jauregui said looking around the table, Taylor's hand shooting right up. "Ready when you are Tay" "Dear heavenly father i pray that you bless this meal, and thank you for this home where we can all be together as a family, i thank you for giving us food for this year and having us all Jesus name AMEN" "Amen" we all opened our eyes, as i looked around the table seeing smiles on everyone's face...this is family.

The next hour were filled with laughter, jokes, teasing, "pass me this" and "pass me that. The dinner turned out amazing everyone enjoyed the food, but i knew that without the food we would still have a great time.

"Ok ok...we do this every year, one by one we say what were thankful for" Mr. Jauregui said looking around the room before sitting down. "I'll go first" i said getting up from being cuddled into Lauren's side. I stood in the middle of the room looking into everyone's eyes. " you all know i was without a family. I never had a mom hold me when i was scared...or a dad to always be there when i fall. No they weren't there, but you all were. I could not ask for better people to be around, you guys treat me like a big sister...and a daughter. I'm so very blessed to have you all with me to have a family....Now Lo you're my everything i'm so glad to have you in my life as a person, a friend, and the love of my life. You've shown me so much love in these three years than i've had my entire life. Please know that i'am so thankful to have you, i know that i will never take advantage of you or your love, i promise to always let you know just how much you are worth and how much you mean to me.... I love you.... I love you all, so thank you...for everything" i said wiping the tears out my eyes seeing everyone else in tears. "Oh my...that was so beautiful" Ms. Jauregui said pulling me into a hug, soon everyone came turning it into one big hug.

"I'm thankful for........" it went on until it was time to hit the hay. "Sleepy?" Lauren asked as i yawned rubbing my eyes lightly. I nodded ready to get in an comfortable bed already.


"I love you" Lauren whispered in my ear her arms around me, As we lay in bed almost asleep.

"I love you more" i said kissing her nose.

"And i love you most" she said in a childish way as i burst into giggles.

"Your quoting disney movies love" i said snuggling into her.

"I know....but i love you baby" she said closing her eyes. "I love you to" i said closing my eyes to dreaming about a certain person.

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