"First drinks are free honey, as it's Faire week." The barmaid smiled and winked at Drew.

"Thank you," Sarah said quietly which was drowned out by Drew's more enthusiastic gratitude. He quickly drained the foaming liquid from his mug. It was bitter but refreshing. He wiped his chin with the back of his hand. Sarah flinched. His action had caused ripples in her memory of someone else doing the same thing. She closed her eyes momentarily and erased the image.

Back again to the entertainer and he stood, a little wobbly, as the musicians played their intro. This time it was Sarah's mouth which fell open as the man sang beautifully. The song was about a forest nymph who lived in a willow tree and three men had tried to woo her. She had refused each one saying she could not leave. The last suitor, however, chopped down the tree and took her from the forest. Alas, she changed into a flower and she bloomed for only one night then faded from the land. It was quite a touching little tale, and Sarah fought to keep the lump in her throat from breaking into a pitiful sob.

At the end of the song, the man and the musicians all burst out laughing as they were awarded loud applause. He had not been drunk at all, it was all just a ruse. "Ah-ha! Had you all there, didn't I?" His sobriety plain for all to see now.

"Ah dinnae think they're yaised tae yer Redridge humour, Vernon," Erik shouted across the room wildly applauding the performance.

The man laughed more. "One of these years, Erik, they will be."

Sarah returned her attention to the rambunctious dwarf hunter she had grown very fond of. A bittersweet remembrance also invaded her mind; that of Tharaei Swiftfeather, the budding night elf mage who had bravely followed her into Gul'dan's lair. He had been a good friend of the dwarf's and ultimately of hers too. His sweet face, lifeless and bloodied on the battlefield stabbed at her heart and she fought back the tears. She started then to wonder why she had bothered returning. There was too much pain here.

Erik's laughter erupted through the bar once more. She smiled slowly. Then again, there are some happy memories too, she admitted inwardly.

The aroma of steaming bowls of stew, ribs and freshly baked bread wafted past where they sat.

"Do you think they will serve free food too?" Drew asked as he eyed some of the dishes heading to other tables. He smiled hopefully, at the barmaid who had served them their ale. She smirked but continued serving other customers.

"No," Sarah replied flatly. She slid her mug of ale in front of him as a substitute for food. Her own stomach rumbled also at the delicious smells hanging around the tables. That was another pleasant memory of Azeroth – the food was surprisingly delicious. Even the dishes with questionable names had been mouth-wateringly good. Her stomach grumbled again, louder this time. She knew she would have to draw Erik's attention soon.

"Stay here," she ordered Drew. He was busy drinking the ale as she rose from the table.

Ensuring her mask and hood concealed her face she carefully made her way between the tables. Erik and his company were in full voice and their ale was refilled at an astounding rate. A few of his friends caught sight of her as she approached and a gradual hush descended on their table as she drew nearer.

The only one still yabbering away was Erik himself. His drinking buddies simply stared up at the cloaked figure. She tapped Erik on the shoulder. He spun round, his eyes widening at the human behind him. He glanced back at his companions, flexing his bushy eyebrows and sending them a wink.

His friends started chuckling. "Ah think yer in there, Erik!" one of them guffawed.

"Must be his quiet demeanour she's attracted to." One of the elves said before the whole table erupted in laughter again.

The Dark Times Will Pass -  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now