chapter 10

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Meanwhile back with Elsa and Amber and where they had uninvited company...

Amber sat in a corner and hugged her knees.

'Class, we have a new student joining us today, everybody please welcome Darla.' the teacher introduced Darla to school for the first time.

Darla looked a little nervous and gave a small wave to her classmates.

'Now, why don't you sit next to Amber?' the teacher then suggested.

Darla then came over to Amber and sat in the table with her and the two would become best friends by the end of the day.

"Amber, we better summon another snow monster, there are intruders." Elsa said.

Amber then woke up and looked over to Elsa.

"We are here to find Princess Anna," Hans told the Duke's men as they cautiously came to the ice castle. "Be on guard, but no harm is to come to the Queen or her little friend. Do you understand?"

The thugs nodded once.

Amber soon concentrated and where a new snow monster appeared outside.

"Go away!" the snow monster snarled to Hans and the men and he slammed his fist inches away from Hans.

Hans quickly dodged out of the way and the thugs went to attack the snow monster. Amber started to pray that Hans and his men and the thugs would leave. Elsa peeked out the front door as the snow monster was getting rid of the intruders.

"Please make them go away." Amber begged.

"The Queen!" the Duke's thugs spotted Elsa which made them charge at the doors.

"Please... Go away..." Amber frowned as she ran with Elsa to escape the people after them due to their winter powers.

"Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you." Elsa said.

Amber clung onto Elsa with tears in her teal eyes. The two of them ran up the stairs to make sure they didn't get caught. One of the thugs shot an arrow at Elsa and Amber, but the two made an ice wall to protect themselves against it.

"Stay away!" Elsa pleaded.

"Please!" Amber also pleaded.

The thugs ignored their protests and kept coming for the two of them. The thugs then started to attack which made Amber and Elsa fight back.

"Leave us alone!" Amber glared.

Elsa shot more ice at the thugs. The thugs then ducked down out of the way and continued to attack. Elsa and Amber hated that they had to fight, but in this situation, it was do or die.

"Just leave us alone, we don't want to hurt either of you!" Amber told them.

"Queen Elsa, don't be the monster they fear you are!" Hans called out.

"Just go away, PLEASE!" Amber begged with tears in her eyes.

One of the thugs started to point his arrow at Elsa and Amber. Hans pushed the crossbow at the arrow's release which then made it hit an ice chandelier. Elsa and Amber panicked as it was just above them and was now crashing down to harm them. Elsa and Amber flashed out of the way and managed to miss the chandelier as it shattered like fragile glass in the middle of the floor, but they slipped and got themselves knocked out.

Soon enough, the two woke up as their eyes fluttered open. They found themselves surrounded by stone and found a window and decided to rush to it, but were held back by iron shackles. They looked out the window to see Arendelle was frozen solid and was getting buried deep within the snow.

"Oh, no... What have I have done?" Amber had tears in her eyes before she broke down and cried. "It's all my fault."

"No, Amber, it's mine." Elsa replied.

"No, you don't understand; the others wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for me," Amber cried. "I froze my best friend by accident and now thanks to me, Arendelle is going to be froze over."

Hans entered and hung a torch by the door as Amber was in a lot more pain than Elsa was. He could see that they were upset.

"Why did you bring us here?" Elsa asked Hans.

"I couldn't just let them kill you." Hans replied gently.

"You've just doomed Arendelle even more." Amber frowned.

"We're a danger to Arendelle..." Elsa also frowned. "Get Anna and the others."

"They have not returned..." Hans replied.

Elsa and Amber looked back to the storm in worry.

"If you would just stop the winter and bring back summer..." Hans pleaded them. "Please..."

"We can't." Amber said.

"You have to tell them to let us go." Elsa said with desperation in her eyes.

"I will do what I can..." Hans then replied, taking the torch again and heading for the door.

"Um, Elsa, look at our shackles." Amber said a she saw their shackles started freezing over.

Elsa gasped once she saw that.

"Our powers are getting worse." Amber frowned in worry.

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