Chapter 2

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        I tap on her window with my knife. I push my hand against it sliding it open and smearing my blood across it in the process. I crouched down on the windowsill and looked in. Resting my elbows on my thighs, I bite my thumb and look around the apartment. I jump down inside, my feet making only a light thump. My heart beat faster, "ha ha."

        I look around some more, all the lights were off but I could clearly see the living room and kitchen, the front door, then a hallway. I take a slow step towards the hallway, I could hear the sound of breathing; she was home. I pass through her living room and enter the hallway twirling my knife merrily.

        Looking down the hallway I saw three doors, the first one was a closet. I approach the next one and turn the handle, i let the door drift open only to see it's a study. The walls were barron, but there was a desk with stacks of papers and files on it. "Brian, are you curious too? Yes, let's look." I pick up a folder, I frown, "my name?" I open it causing pictures taken of me in the alley to fall out. There were mostly pictures of me sleeping, some close up enough you could see my eyelashes, she must've been close to have taken these even with a highpowered camera. Others I was awake, sitting, or even running and in fights with the gangs. I narrow my eyes, how long has she been watching me? I notice a letter in the pile of pictures.

        I met Brian today. People said he was dangerous, but he hurt himself, and I think it was because of me. I had to help him. He was so shy and scared. I don't believe he killed hisnparents, in fact there's no way i believe it. I've been watching him long enough, he's hardly away from the alley so he couldn't be a serial killer if he hsan't been killing anymore. The Brian I saw was just a scared, homeless, teenager. I told him where to find me if he needed help or a place to stay. He's not a bad kid. I know I can help him.

        She wants to help me? I laugh. This is going to be too much fun, I lick my lips, drop the papers, and leave the room. A giant smile spread across my face. Her room was at the end of the hall, just a few feet in front of me.I take the last couple steps and reach for the doorknob. I quietly push it open, still smiling, and go in.

        I leave the door open and approach the bed. This was her. Her dark brown hair was messy, some of it in her face. I reach towards her amd brush the loose strands away from her face, my fingers grazing her cheek. I froze and waited for her to wake but she didn't.

        "Ha, haha," I climb over her sitting on her stomach. Her eys open at the sudden weight.       

        "Aah-mm!" I put my knife to her lips, her eyes widen in horror and realization hits her. With my left hand I reach into my pocket and gingerly pull out an old white handkerchief. It was torn and covered with dirt and blood, but she remembered it. I pull my knife from her mouth and nod. "That- That's mine. Th- the one I gave you, for your...hand." Her eyes drift to the said hand and i hold it up for her to see, showing her the reason i now use my right to handle my knife.

        "You weren't scared," i push the tip of my blade against her foregead, "are you scared of me now?" I cock my head to the side and lean in, our faces inches apart, 'You want to help me? I don't want any help." She screams as I twist the tip into her skin, drawing blood. "Shh. Ha ha, quiet," I press the edge roughly against her lips; this time causing blood to trail down her chin. I lower my head licking the blood off slowly, she kept her mouth shut tight and looked straight up at the ceiling. I surprise her by biting her lip and grabbing her breasts. i massage them and play with her nipples, swirling my fingers around them and pinching them. She whimpered softly as i teased her. I lean down looking her in the eyes and stick my tongue out, letting it hover above her chest then licking across her breasts and sucking on her nipples. I lift my mouth leaving a trail of saliva and drag my knife down her chin to her stomach leaving a thin red line where the knife traveled, i slid down to her thighs. At the same time she pulled a leg out from under me and kicked out hitting me in the crotch. 

        "Ohm!" I fall off the bed dropping my knife and holding my crotch groaning. She yelps and jumps from the bed fleeing the room. I quickly get up grabbing my knife and running after her.

        I didn't hear a door so I know she's still inside. "You're not getting away. I- Brian will find you," I enter the kitchen, she was behind the island counter. I grab something and throw it in front of me, the went the other way around. As expected she was backing away from the noise. I got down on my knees as she bumps into me. I scream errupts from her throat but I quickly suppress it, throwing my hand over her mouth I pushed her back against the counter. I lick my lips remembering the taste of her blood; sickly sweet. I saw the I saw the terror flash into her eyes and felt her pulse quicken as I restrained her wrists behind her back, and kissed her.

        I felt her lips tighten against mine, she was refusing to let me in, I wouldn't have that. I began to suck on her lips loosening them up, then started licking them. So sweet. I push her down to the floor falling with her. I move to her neck, sucking and biting and kissing and licking my way around it. I straddled her waist and began grinding my erection against her.

        "Stop it, please." she whispers to me, tears streaming down her cheeks.

        I look at her, smirking "no... Brian's happy," She struggles when i reach for her shirt and screams again.

        "Someone -hm!" I pull her shirt up and stuff it into her mouth before she can finish.

        I grin at her, and lean into her ear, "When you do bad things like that, it makes me want to hurt you." to further prove my point I dig my blade into her shoulder, "...I don't want to kill you yet. Will you let me have some fun with you?" I don't wait for her to react before one hands on her breasts and the other pulling down her underwear. She kicks out but i'm prepared, she can't get me off again. I toss her underwear aside and smile down at her naked body. She's crying immensly now, her eyes were swolen shut, but I want her to watch me. "Open your eyes, now." 

        Her eyes slowly open and she looks at me. I pull the shirt from her mouth and push my tongue in, pulling her back into me as she pushed away. I grab the back of her neck with my right hand and undid my jeans with my left, I pulled them and my boxers down just far enough so my erection was free of the restraining materials. I spread her legs and pushed into her. She screams into my mouth as i repeatedly rammed into her. I pull my mouth from hers breathing heavily and cover her mouth with my hand. I groan at the feeling of being inside her and nip and suck at her nipples between pants. She tightens around me, her body shakes and my hand vinrates as she moans, I made her come. Soon after though, her screams resumed, and, though muffled by my hand, they were getting louder and louder, I had to finish fast. I thrust into her harder, savoring the smack sound as my body collided with hers. I feel myself about to come and release inside her with a final thrust. Her last scream revibrates through my hand and before I pulled myself out of her, my knife slashed across her throat and her face went pale.

        I slid myself out of her and pulled up my boxers and jeans and rebuttoned them. her breathing was shallow, she should be dead in a couple seconds, "Cry." She sheds her last tear, then her eyes glazed over.

        I examine her belly, then plunge my knife into her stomach and drag it down. I repeatedly stabbed and dragged. I took out her handkerchief and wiped the blood of her stomach...which now read "Brian."

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