Chapter 13 - The Illusionist

Start from the beginning

Why do you always say magic is dangerous? I mean, I know I set someone on fire once, but he didn't die and didn't even end up with injury. What have you seen for it to be under your definition of danger?

Hector sipped his drink. I'd rather not think about it, if you don't mind.

Yes, sir.

"Why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden?" Mrs. Lester asked.

Phil and Hector both smiled.

"Well," Mr. Lester said, raising his glass. "To Phil! May he succeed in his magic-showing career! Phil, as long as you are safe and happy with what you do, I will be proud of you!"

"To Phil," Hector and Mrs. Lester added in unison as everybody sipped.

The next morning, Phil headed out early to make it to WFM to meet his new coworkers. He was met with kind smiles and welcoming gestures from all. Everyone was also interested in seeing him preform magic for them. When on break and not creating an act for the reopening coming soon, Phil sat around with the dancers or fellow magicians and performed for them, turning things into animals or bonding broken items.

"You're amazing, Phil!" one dancer commented.

"That should be your stage name! The Amazing Phil!" suggested another.

"Sounds cheesy," he laughed. "Maybe the owner should be picking that."

"It's you who decides," one of the lesser magicians informed him. "I'm 'The Enchanter' on stage, but off stage, I'm just Callum. If you're Phil off stage, who are you on stage?"

He thought about this. He could be anybody. Anything! Yet he had no clue how to pick a stage name. Later, Phil went to the owner's office.

"Mr. Howell?" he said upon entry.

"Phil, come in. And please, call me Dan. It's awkward. I'm seventeen."

"Uh, sure thing, Dan."

"What can I do for you? How are you liking World's Finest?"

"It's incredible."


"I was wondering... about a stage name?"

"Ah, yes. Have you decided on one already?"

"Well, that's the thing. I haven't and I don't know how to pick one. Any... suggestions?"

"Well... pick something that sounds intriguing. And try not to put your own name in the title. It's just not common here. Go for something that would be something you'd take your family to see. Something that sounds cool or interesting, and maybe reflects your skills."

Skills? Most of Phil's skills were all illusions to a normal person. "How about The Illusionist?"

"Sounds good to me," Dan said, making a quick note of it. "The Illusionist! I can see it now, the name up in lights over the head of the stage! Works for me."

Phil smiled. The Illusionist. He loved it. "Sir, may I ask something?"

"Only of you stop calling me 'sir.'"

"Why do you think I'll be so perfect in this show? I mean, I've been a member for twenty four hours while some of these guys have been here for years."

Dan walked around his desk, which was much too big for him. He stood in front of Phil, his arms crossed as he leaned against the desk. "There's something special about you. Your magic is so different from theirs, and they already know and accept it. You belong in center stage. You deserve the spotlight. Keep doing what you did yesterday, and you'll be world famous in no time."

"I don't know if I want to be famous."

"You can't predict things. Sometimes they just happen."

They met eyes for an awkward moment.

"Right," Dan said. "I'll have your performance suit tailored, and The Illusionist will be born. Have you gotten some kind of an idea for an act together yet?"

"I figured the more spontaneous the better."

"Just make sure the dancers and assistants know that. We open again in two weeks."

"Why did you close?"

"Our main magician made a mistake and injured one of the assistants a while back. We had to close to protect the business from the public and questions. She's fine, but the magician left and isn't coming back. So we have to open again and become bigger and better."


"Just do well," he asked of him.

"Yes, sir."

Dan raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, I-I mean, Dan."

He smiled. They met eyes again. A bit less awkward.

I Believe in Magic - Phan [#Wattys2017]Where stories live. Discover now