Chapter 22 ~ Nationals in the Big Apple

Start from the beginning


After a week of tiring and (sometimes) painful rehearsals, the New Directions with Finn, Sam and Puck all head out to New York for Nationals. Kurt, Santana, Rachel, Blaine and even Santana's girlfriend, Dani were all planning on helping out.

"Room list!" Finn shouts as he passes out a piece of paper once they're at the hotel, containing the list of who's in what room.

New Directions Nationals Hotel Room Plan:

054: Ryley, Angie, Marley & Kitty

055: Ryder, Blake, Gabe & Jake

056: Natalie, Abbi & Hailey

057: Benny, Elliot & Troye

The club all head to their assigned rooms and put their suitcases down. In each of the rooms, there's two double beds.

"Looks like we're sharing beds, girls." Kitty says in Room 054.

"I think Angie and Ryley should share then Kitty and I'll share." Marley says.

"Do we have enough pillows to make a pillow wall in the middle of the bed under the covers?" Angie asks.

"Why?" Ryley asks.

"Because I'm a cuddler. I generally will wake up in the morning, hugging my pillow or pillows." Angie explains.

"Good point. You can hug the wall of pillows if you want to." Ryley says.


After a full day of rehearsals with the help of the New York gang, the New Directions head to the venue for Nationals just down the street from their hotel. They walk down the street in their outfits: purple dresses with black flats and black hair bands while the guys wore white short sleeve button up shirts with purple ties and black vests along with black pants and shoes.

They went to their assigned backstage area to fix up their make up and warm up their vocals. Blaine and Kurt helped warming up the vocals while Rachel, Santana and Dani helped with the girls make up.

"Guys, we've got to get out there to watch the first act very soon so let's do a show circle." Finn says, walking into their backstage area. Sam and Puck are with him.

The New Directions, Finn, Sam, Puck, Rachel, Santana, Dani, Kurt and Blaine form a large show circle.

"No matter what happens out there on the stage, we are a family. Nothing will defeat us. We will stick together till the very end. Right now, I want you guys to kick some ass. Not just yet because you don't have to perform yet but soon." Finn says.

Everyone puts their hands in the middle. As they raises them into the air, they cheer out "AHHHHH-MAZING!".

The New Directions with their helpers all head out into the seats to see who the judges are and watch the first performance. The boys with the helpers go out first. All of the girls finish up their make up quickly and leave a few minutes after. As they leave the changing rooms, Natalie bumps into someone. That someone being a young woman with dark hair. She's very beautiful. It takes Natalie a moment to realise who it is.

"Oh my god! You're Samantha Barks! My brother, Blake, loves you," Natalie says to the young woman, "Can I get a picture with you to show my brother and make him jealous?"

"Totally." Samantha says. Natalie takes her phone out, passes it to Ryley and she takes the picture of Natalie and Samantha.

"Thanks." Natalie says after the picture is taken. Ryley passes the phone back to Natalie.

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