Year 16: Ring Around The Rosey

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"Alright. I'm driving." Dean flashed his keys.


"Nerd." Dean rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"You love me."

"I do."


Castiel was shaking, now. The little restaurant was in sight, and he silently prayed that this would work out. He had never, ever been so jittery in his life. This was Dean. He said he loved him, and Cas knew he wasn't lying. So, when he stepped out of the car, he straightened up, and let all his shakiness leave his body. He was ready.

"Well ain't it my favorite customers." The owner, Helen, shouted from behind the bar. It wasn't that crowded there. There were around four tables filled, and a few people snapped their heads up when she yelled across the room. "Why are y'all so fancy?" She propped her head up on her fists, smiling.

"It's our anniversary," Dean answered, pulling Castiel closer to his side. His arm seemed to tense around Cas, and Cas looked up at him.

"Aw. How long it been for you two?" She asked, her smile growing as she made her way across the room. "Y'all just seem so happy together."

"It's been six years, in a relationship, that is." Dean looked back down at Cas, then back up to her.

"We've known each other for sixteen years." Castiel had to masks that known. It had to be a fact. They were closer than close, and Dean was his, and no one else's.

"Ain't that just adorable. Come grab a seat, Boys. I assume you both want the usual?"

They both nodded.

"Hey, Cas?" Dean said, making Cas's blue eyes focus on him. "I want you to know how much you mean to me, babe. I love you so much. I love you more than I love myself, frankly, and cheeseburgers. I love you more than I love pie, and more than you love your brothers. I love you with everything I have, and that's why I stuck around this long."

Castiel looked taken aback by the statements, just like the time when thy were really little, and Dean had just said, "Your eyes are bluer than I remember." Just the way he said it made Castiel jump out of his skin.

Then there was food.

Then there was a check.

And then there was Castiel almost dying inside.

"Hey, Dean," he whispered, right as they were about to leave. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the rose. He handed it to Dean, smiling as Dean inspected it.

And he found the ring.

Castiel was on one knee in the middle of the little restaurant, and people's coos droning off didn't seem to faze him.

"Cas, what are you..."

"Dean, Dean Winchester, I know we have had our fair share of messed up in our lives. From the fire, to the suicide attempt, all the way up to Bart and Frankie being really big assholes to you. Dean, God, it's made me realize how much I need you, and damn, I hope you need me too. So, Dean Winchester, will you please be my husband? Will you marry me?"

Dean was silent for a few moments, making Castiel almost sink into sadness, until he pulled Castiel up, and kissed him, hard. People were 'aww'ing all around (which was also kind of annoying), so Castiel could barely hear Dean when he said:

"Hell yeah I will."



Oh well it's cute


I told her what I had planned for this chapter and she squealed really loudly in the middle of English it was really funny.

I went swimming and now I have a sunburn

My mom bought me seasons 1, 2, & 3 of spn bc they were on sale at Walmart and now I have to wait to watch them until my birthday.


So there is this girl at my school who has had the lead role in the school musical for the past 2 years, and this year she wants to be Alice for Alice in Wonderland. Well, I know I'm good enough to get Alice. I just have to try out for her, but my family says I'll be a better queen of hearts bc I'm more die hard aggressive. If I try out for both, she'll probably get Alice and I'll get queen of hearts. I really want to end her streak bc she has been becoming a real jerk about it. What should I do?

Okay that's all.

This was really cute but I have school tomorrow so goodnight

I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka foblvr

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