For The Better

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      Gone. Park Jimin was gone. And he wouldn't be returning any time soon. Yoongi didn't know how the boy would survive on his own. But then he remembered he had a gun, and a gun could get you a lot of things.

      Yoongi sat up in the hospital bed. He didn't understand why he was there. He wasn't shot. He wasn't physically hurt. Why was he there?

      Hours passed. No one came into the room. No one went out. It was all silent, not a single sound filling the entire atmosphere. Yoongi could hear his own unsteady breathing. He started humming, filling his ears with a vibrating noise. He couldn't stand silence, it made him think too much.

      Yoongi looked over and saw a TV remote. He grabbed it and hit the power button. He thought the sound of television would ease his mind. He was wrong.

      The channel was turned to a news station. The reporter was talking about his school and what had happened. Tears suddenly filled his eyes.

      The reporter referred to the incident as a minor "scare," and that no one got hurt. That wasn't how Yoongi saw it.

Yoongi saw it as: two people got hurt. It wasn't a scare, it was the end of the world. He and Jimin got hurt, and both boy's worlds were collapsing.

Yoongi shut off the TV and stared at the wall. Something caught his eye.

Right below the TV, there was an envelope sitting on a coffee table. Yoongi got up slowly and walked over to it. He examined it before picking it up.

There was no name on it this time. It was blank on the outside. But on the inside, there were a million emotions poured into a few short paragraphs. Yoongi tore it open.

Dear Yoongi,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I got mad at you. I'm sorry if I've made you sad. Is the thought of my existence enough to make you smile? I hope it is. Because I'm still breathing. And I hope that makes you happy.
Listen, I know you already said you didn't want to come with me. That you didn't want to run away with me. I get it. I understand. But just incase you change your mind, I've written the address of where I am on the back of a piece of paper inside the envelope. I miss you, and I hope to see you soon.

Yoongi blinked a few times before grabbing the envelope off the floor and reaching inside. He felt around until he grabbed hold of another piece of paper. He took it out and paused before flipping it over.

It was a piece of paper that was torn in half. A drawing. The drawing Yoongi had done so long ago. The drawing that Jimin ripped in half. He looked down at the pencil marks. He looked down at the boy he was so long ago. A tear fell onto the paper as Yoongi flipped it over, scanning the foreign address on the back.

"Jinagan St. I'll be waiting."

Though, Yoongi had no idea where that was, he felt his feet try to move from underneath him. They wanted to run to Jinagan Street. They wanted to run to Jimin.

Yoongi took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He then ran out the door and didn't stop running. He was chasing his dreams. He was chasing Jimin. And he wasn't going to stop until he reached the location. He wasn't going to stop running until he found him. Even if the red head had given him false information. Even if he had given him false hope.

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