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"Are you okay? You seem kind of... Shaky," Jimin said, glancing at Yoongi who was drawing intense scribbles on his paper.

"I-I'm fine. I'm okay," he whispered, erasing the stray marks.

"Why are you always so quiet? It's like I have to force you to talk to me. And you seem uncomfortable," Jimin asked.

      Yoongi didn't respond. He didn't like talking, or any sort of human interactions. Although, before he became burned, he talked all the time. It wasn't until he got the scars that he learned to keep his mouth shut.

He suddenly had a flashback, a memory clear as the sky outside. It was over the Summer, right after he had gotten out of the hospital. He was sent to a camp by a doctor to get his mind off things. It didn't help, not at all. He had approached a group of boys, looking to make friends like he used too. All he said was, "Hi, I'm Min Yoongi," and it was as if the boy's had seen someone die before their eyes. They looked so terrified, they ran in horror. He remembered his face turning red in embarrassment and his fingers go numb. Their screams bounced off the walls of his mind.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jimin gave Yoongi a little shove.

      He instantly snapped back to reality, though, he wished he could stay in his thoughts forever.

"Yes. I'm. Fine." Yoongi snarled, hoping the red head would leave him alone.

"Okay, okay. Just asking." The boy said as he scooted back to his desk.

"Well don't ask. Don't care. It'll make everyone's life easier, yours and mine," he hissed back, making Jimin jump.

"What's your problem? What did I ever do to you?" Jimin asked. Yoongi felt anger boil inside him, mixed with annoyance.


"You act like just because you're all scarred up means that you can ruin everyone else's day. Be happy for once."

"You don't understand. You're fine. You're perfect. You have everything. I don't. Now close your mouth, you don't know what you're talking about."

"But you said you were fine a few minutes ago. Were you lying?"

"No! I'm fine. Everything's okay, alright?! We're just on two different levels of 'fine.' You're level of fine is: you're happy, you're smiling, you're positive. My level of fine is: 'I'm content.' But at the end of the day, we're both fine, okay?"

"But you don't seem fine-"

"I'm fine! I'm okay! Now shut up and stop trying to help me! Quit being nice, it makes me sick!" Yoongi screamed, making heads turn towards him. "Ugh, are you serious?! All this and now everyone has to look at me?! Why?! Why do you have to stare?! It's none of your business!" Yoongi shouted, visibly shaking.

"Yoongi, calm down. Go outside in the hallway and cool off," the teacher said, looking up from her stack of pointless papers.

Yoongi stood there frozen for a few seconds before running out of the classroom, slamming the door behind him.

He knew that behind that door, people were talking about him. They were thinking about him. They were giving the people next to them strange looks.

'This is all his fault. All Jimin's fault! I hate him! That son of a bitch!' Yoongi thought to himself as he paced in circles by the classroom door.

      He didn't understand how someone could be so happy in a world like this. He didn't understand how people could still smile and make others laugh. He envied anyone who could. Sweat formed on his forehead as silence filled his ears. A few seconds ago he was wishing that he could stay in his thoughts forever.

Wish granted.

His wish became a nightmare.

      His thoughts were drowning him and he wished there was a noise to fill the quiet void. He let out a scream, not the short kind that people do when they think they see something scary, but the long kind. The kind that people do when they're really in pain. Yoongi would know that scream like the back of his scarred hands.

Once he was done screaming, his mind was clear. He wanted to keep it that way. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, taking long, drawn out breaths. Feeling relieved, he slid to the floor and waited for the bell to ring.

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