Eli Bishop

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  • Dedicated to NCIS fans everywhere

June 11, 2013;

I got to sleep in for a long time today which made me feel better. When i woke up Tony was here and McGee had already left. I got up and had some breakfast, After breakfast Tony handed me a stack of papers. After I looked at him for a minute i said "That doesn't look like movies" he laughed an said "Mom's orders, Homework first movies later" How can my mom whom i can't even talk to still micromanage my life? There was a lot of Math and English work so I got started. I kept asking Tony for help but he would read the question and make a movie reference or a joke. It started to get on my nerves so i told him I would wait till McGee gets back and ask him for help. Tony said that McGee wont be back till morning. I asked him who was coming at night then and he said a newbie. "Dornagan?" I asked but he said "No even newer then Dornagan, Her name is Eli Bishop." After lunch we watched a few movies. Relief came early for Tony because there was a break in the case so Eli didn't come because they needed her too. Dornagan came and brought me the book McGee wrote so I spent the rest of the evening reading. Dornagan is kinda weird but funny at the same time. I liked him he made me laugh which felt kinda good because I have only been sad this whole time, it was nice to be happy, even if it was only for a few seconds.

- Jessi

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