Chapter One

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"I blame you for this entirely." Ana declared accusingly, refusing to cast her glance towards the offending man.

"I really don't see how this is my fault."

Ana raised just one eyebrow, her face full of distaste as she finally allowed her attention to turn towards him. "You don't see how this is your fault?" She gestured towards her sopping wet clothing, the white top revealing her polka dot bra beneath. "Remind me who said that they had a brilliant plan again?"

"Well, I did but..."

"And who decided without mentioning what this plan was to press the fire alarm?" Ana continued, without allowing Adam time to formulate a half plausible excuse.

"Also me but..."

"And who then said that dismantling the bomb wouldn't be a problem?"

"Ok so this may be partially my fault." Adam admitted as he lay back onto the soaking carpet just outside their flats.

Given their dire situation a few minutes earlier Ana had thought that her night (well morning really) couldn't get any worse. As it turns out she should have had more faith in Adam's ability to attract problems.

It had taken Adam only a few moments from seeing the timer click over to four minutes on the bomb to formulate his excellent plan. Without consulting Ana he had set of the fire alarm, waking up the entire building and evacuating them. The few in their corridor seemed a little perturbed by the casual bomb in the corridor but Adam assured them, through his door, that the matter was in hand and for some bizarre reason they took his word for it.

There were only a few flaws with Adam's incredible plan.

To begin with both Ana and Adam were still trapped within their rooms, a problem resolved by some heart clenching crawling into next doors window on either side. Ana had never really thought about the correct footwear choice for scaling walls but for future reference slippers were not the ideal option. The name should have given her a hint.

Once out of their rooms the next problem became immediately apparent when the bomb began to tick ominously down from two minutes.

Bomb disposal had been part of both of their basic training and both Ana and Adam had previously been in a situation in which they had had to put that particular skill into practice. Unfortunately not only did the bomb have more booby traps than an Indiana Jones film, they had to attempt to dismantle it whilst being pelted by the sprinklers which Adam had tactfully managed to trigger with the fire alarm system.

The result was an unhealthy pulse and ruined clothes, not to mention hair as Ana attempted to ring hers out onto the floor, her feet squelching as they were absorbed by the sodden carpet.

"This was completely your fault." Ana muttered.

Once the bomb had been discharged, with seconds to spare, the pair had collapsed onto the soggy carpet. Ana's top was a lost cause but Adam's had faired surprisingly well and so he was almost comfortable in his chosen spot but he knew they wouldn't be allowed to stay there long.

They could hear the backup arriving too late outside the building along with chattering of the residents as they became confused as to the events that had triggered this morning's alarm. Despite this, neither Ana nor Adam could find the motivation to move an inch. The adrenaline that had flooded both of their systems was now draining and leaving both of them ready for a good night's rest.

They were unlikely to get it.

As if on cue, Ana's mobile began to blurt out an obnoxious ringtone, shattering the moment of quiet that both of them had been trying to savour.

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