Start from the beginning

"I never knew my dad, never even met him. It was always just me and my mum." He began, tapping his fingers on his thigh. "My mum was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but the symptoms never died out. Growing up, it wasn't that big of a deal, you know? I just thought she was always fun to play with and I loved it. I never even noticed something was wrong."

He stopped for a while before continuing. "I was around six or seven when social workers who were keeping a close eye on her came and took me away, saying she was 'unfit' to care for a child in her state. I was put into foster care and taken in by The Elms; Monica's family. They treated me like their own son. Jeff, Monica's dad, used to bring me here when I first moved in with them."

In one swift movement, he set his milkshake down between us and stood up. "He used to tell me to scream whatever the hell I wanted to. He'd stay up here with me for hours, watching me let all the frustration out of my little heart. I don't think I ever cried as much in my life." He chuckled, shaking his head. "But it definitely helped."

I slowly picked myself up until I was steadily standing next to him on top of the boulder. "I THINK THAT'S REALLY COOL!" I yelled, raising my milkshake in the air for no reason."

"SO DO I!" Thomas agreed, yelling just as loud." WE SHOULD YELL UP HERE MORE OFTEN!"



We yelled and yelled until our throats got sore. We stayed to watch the sunset before heading back to Georgetown.

"We should make it a monthly thing." I suggested, as the car came to a stop. "It can't be weekly or daily because we'd lose our voices forever."

"Monthly thing it is." Thomas stated. "And let me guess, you're not going to go into your house until I drive off."

"Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner." I said, getting out of the car.

"One of these days, I'll find out." He smirked," One way or another."

"Well until then, toodles." I mockingly waved before closing the door. I stood back on the pavement and waved properly as I watched him drive off. I waited until I saw the car take a turn before continuing to walk down the road towards my house.

Key in lock. Twist. Twist doorknob. Push. Open. Walk. Turn around. Close. Walk like a mothafrickin' boss.

A sound from the kitchen made me turn away from the stairs and head towards it. It definitely wasn't my dad because he wasn't supposed to be back from the gym until later. I found myself grabbing a lamp from the closest table and carrying it over my head as I slowly walked towards the kitchen. Once I had made it over there, there were no people in sight.


"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as my mum popped up from behind the kitchen island." MUM WHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK!"

"Calm down, I dropped this." She said, showcasing the packet of marshmallows in her hand.

"I thought you were a rapist or a murderer or something." I sighed, putting the lamp down on the island and sitting on one of the stools.

"Busted." She shook her head and took a seat on a stool opposite from me. She tore the packet of sugary goodness open and faced it to me. "Want some?"

Without responding verbally, I stretched my arm into the packet and pulled out a handful of white and light pink marshmallows.

"Why are you home?" I asked. My question wasn't that clear because my tongue was slightly occupied with removing the sticky sweets from my teeth.

"Because I live here?" she replied sarcastically, tossing a marshmallow into her mouth. "I'm taking Wednesdays off from now on. I'm starting to forget what you look like." I couldn't help but laugh and she joined in, the two of us laughing like she just cracked the funniest joke in the world. "I don't even remember you dying your hair."

Heck, I've gotten so used to it, I don't even mind it being blonde anymore.

"It was a messed up form of a welcoming gift into the agency." I explained, a smile forming on my lips at the memory of that day with Iyanu and Thomas at the mall.

"And you're a model." She sighed. "I feel so bad for not knowing anything about my daughter anymore. That's the main reason why I squeezed in a free day into my schedule; so I could spend more time with you."

"I'd like that."



'Awks' has been in the top stories in Humour for the past 3 months now, this is crazyyyyy!!

And yo, has anyone seen the Alex Aiono and Conor Maynard sing off/mashup because I've been fangirling over it ever since they posted it 😭

And yo, has anyone seen the Alex Aiono and Conor Maynard sing off/mashup because I've been fangirling over it ever since they posted it 😭

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Dina Evans: played by Kerry Washington.

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