Happily Ever After?

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     Barry and Iris had been dating now for almost two years and it was the best two years either of them have ever experienced. They had done so much together once Iris found out Barry was the flash, which lead to Iris starting to work with him and the gang and Star Labs.
"Hey Bear, can i ask you something?" Iris asked.
"Of course." Barry responded.
"How long were you in love with me?"
"Honestly... pretty much my whole life."

   A few months later the unimaginable happened. Barry was out fighting the latest metahuman when it happened. Iris was attacked. It was sudden and unexpected. She was stabbed and attacked by a metahuman which caused her to bleed to her death. Barry did the only thing he knew how to do, he ran back to when it happened.
"PLEASE! Please please please don't do this please!" Iris begged with such fear in her voice.
And then Barry ran and took the meta with him. He bashed the meta's head into the wall over and over and over until he was missing several teeth, bleeding from everywhere, and eyes almost completely out of his head.
"BARRY STOP!" she yelled out.
He had no clue what had taken over him. Was it love? Fear? All he cared was that Iris was okay. He didn't seem to care the fact he had just killed a man.

     Barry proposed to Iris three months after the incident. He told her how she would of died if he didn't do what he did. They ended up having two kids, it was amazing that they could after they tried so hard but failed. They named their daughter Nora after Barrys late mother and their son Eddie, it was a strange thought at first but they knew they should since Eddie saved not only them but everyone. It was hard at first for Barry dealing with children, work,and being a hero. And once the justice league came along it just was more stressful, luckily Wally stepped up to the plate and started taking a lot more responsibility while Barry is out.  Everything was well at the West-Allen home and that's how it was going to stay...for a very long time.


A/N: I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN LIKE A YEAR! I took a bit of the first three ideas. Hopefully y'all liked this story. Future stories in the DC universe(DCEU) and a bunch of other genres, maybe I'll even do original stories! Thanks for all the support over the past 15 chapters. Love ya guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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