Sophia burst out laughing. "God no. I have a boyfriend whom I'm head over heels for. His name is Owen. He'll be here this afternoon, and I can introduce you."

"Then what's it to you?" I realized how harsh my question sounded the moment her eyebrows snapped together. "Sorry. I'm not purposely trying to be rude, but you sound... I don't know, concerned? And if you're not his girlfriend or ex or whatever..."

"Someone I care for is worried about him," she answered, voice tight. I had a feeling there was more to the story, but I could tell she wasn't going to elaborate. "Look, Evelyn," she said, softer this time. "You seem smart, so I shouldn't have to tell you this, but I'd stay away from Fletcher if I were you. The guy has some major issues."

"I noticed," I told her, "but thanks for the heads up. Trust me, I have no intention of ever being friendly with an asshole like him."

"Good," she said, nodding her head in approval. "Well, now that we have that out of the way, should we get started?"

Ugh, work. I was so not looking forward to this. Why in the world did we have to be here so early? It wasn't like customers would be rushing the doors of Kandy Kane at eight o'clock sharp for a morning sugar fix. Unless, of course, some weirdo out there ate Snickers and Skittles for breakfast.

"What size tee are you?" Sophia asked as she led me into the store's office. The space was smaller than a janitor's closet, and there was only enough room to cram a small desk and computer chair inside.


In response, she yanked open the bottom drawer of the desk, revealing a stack of black shirts. The design was simple, just the name of the shop written in red and white candy cane lettering. I watched as Sophia riffled through them, searching for my size.

"The store never gets super busy, so we usually only have one person on the floor at a time. Holidays like Valentine's Day and Halloween are exceptions, but that's a whole other ball game," she explained. "There are three shifts during the day: I always work in the morning, and Owen at night, so you'll be working the afternoon shift, which is noon to four. That means you won't have to worry about opening or locking up, but I figured I should walk you through the process incase we ever need to switch shifts."

"So I don't have to be here everyday at seven?"


Halle-fucking-lujah. "I could seriously kiss you right now."

Sophia laughed as she pulled out two medium shirts and tossed them to me. "This probably sounds strange, but the morning shift is my favorite. It's by far the most fun."

I shot her a skeptical look. Any person who thought morning and fun went together was straddling the line that separated rational from batshit crazy. "I think your concept of fun needs fixing."

She put a hand on her hip and smirked at me. "How about I prove you wrong?"

Slapping a hand over my mouth, I tried to disguise my snort of laughter. "Yeah, good luck with that."

Two minutes later, after I'd changed into my new employee's shirt, Sophia walked me through her usual morning routine. I did my best to take mental notes on the process:

1. Figure out what product has to be made (may have to dip strawberries, cherries, Twinkies, marshmallows, graham crackers, pretzels, Oreos, etc.)

2. Melt chocolate for dipping

3. Create delicious treats (and try not to eat anything!)

4. Replace any product that has gone bad and refill the display cases

5. Make sure the store is clean and presentable

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