Chapter 1

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As the plane begins to land in Chicago things start feeling real, never in a million years would I think Stephanie mcmahon would offer me a job as a backstage interviewer in the company known as wwe, I start to feel nervous I'm usually quiet, read comic books and listen to music, now I'm here in Chicago starting a job for a multi billion pounds company.

My name is Olivia I'm 25, I have a love for comic books and music, I'm 5'9 and have brown hair, I have never had a boyfriend in my life, my best friend said it's cause of the way I dress, jeans,hoodies,converse and nerd glasses, that's how I love to look, it doesn't bother me I have been single all 25 years of my life, love will find me one day but it won't be easy.

My mum and dad were addicted to drugs and alcohol my dad died and my mum ran away, I was only 12, I lived with my best friends family, I got bullied through out school but seren stuck by me, she pushed me to go for this job, so here I am on my way to the United centre in Chicago.

After a cab ride to the arena I'm greeted by Stephanie she takes me through the arena into her office, after signing papers i am greeted by eva maria who is suppose to show me around after leaving stephanies office eva says what I'm use to hearing "your not going to be liked looking like that omg your such a laughing stock, I bet your a virgin" i just look at her and smile, she leads me to where I'm supposed to be not once introducing me to anyone.

I have only been here for an hour and already I want to quit why do people judge me on the way I look, "we got no competition with her she looks like a dork" eva said to someone on the phone, why do I feel this is just the beginning.

You can't buy my love (cm punk )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora