“They shouldn’t be handling those; they’re not even old enough to go to high school.” Grabbing Alex’s hand she led him away from the prac. I sighed, maybe this was going to be harder than I’d thought, she was so protective over her brother. What would happen if she didn’t want him to attend Geeps Creak Camp?

Dani pulled out her bags and handed Alex his. Slowly I took one from her.

“You should’ve let me get them out.” I murmured, she spins on me.

“I can look after myself Chase! I’ve done it for my whole life!” I backed away from her pointing finger. “So don’t you dare start treating me like I can’t!”

“Wow, calm down…” I grimaced at her piecing expression. “I was just trying to what you call a gentleman.” Instantly I regretted the cheeky grin that always arises on my features at the wrong moment. She doesn’t say anything but turns her back on my, I can feel her anger as if it was myself feeling it. She’s fuming.

“Chase Jones! How wonderful that you’re here so soon!” My trainers voice distracts me from my trainees anger. Belinda Childs expression was of pure joy as she pulled me into a hug. She whispered in my ear. “Looks like you brought home a wild cat.”

“Indeed.” I reply pulling away. “Belinda, this is Danielle Wood and her brother Alex.” Dani’s expression instantly changes as she shakes Belinda’s hand. Maybe it was the woman thing, I don’t know but her eyes were cold when she glanced at me.

“It’s extremely good to see you.”

“Belinda was my trainer,” I informed her and I saw curiosity from on her features.

“Really, well I’m eager to know more of the faults my trainer has…” She smiled at Belinda before moving away from me. I groaned watching them, walk into the common cabin leaving Alex at my side.

“She really hates you now.” Alex murmured giving me a grin.

“Wonderful to hear.” I muttered, my heart feels like it’s fallen off a cliff. I have no idea why. Returning to my work I pull out the last suitcase.

“If you want her to ever like her you’ll have to win her back.” I stop mid-pull and turn on the eight year old.

“And what makes you think I want her to like me?”

“The way you look at her and watch her.” He touched his nose. “Don’t worry mate your secrets safe with me.”

“First of all mate, there’s no secret, second of all, I don’t look at her and watch her…” I groan inwardly. “And third of all, I don’t think she’ll ever like me that way…and besides I don’t want her to like that way…why would I?” Alex nodded his head thoughtfully and huge grin forming.

“Whatever you say Chase…” Then he leaned foreword. “By the way, that’s code for I don’t believe you.” With that he was off carrying his little backpack up and into where his sister had gone. I sighed rubbing my forehead. He’d been right about one thing, if Dani hadn’t disliked me before, now she would really despise me and I was pretty sure she held a grudge for a very long time.

* * *

“So Alex, looking forward to summer camp?” Belinda was chatting away to Alex while Dani and I ate silently.

“Yes! When do we get to handle guns?” Alex asked rolling his peas around he plate. Beside me Dani groan heavily and rose from her seat.

“If you don’t mind I really need to sleep.” She picked up her cases. Belinda nods in my direction.

“Sure Danielle, Chase, your both in cabin 67.” I stop short, since when did genders cabin together?

“Both?” I questioned, I could feel my jaw had dropped and I quickly shut it.

In Hope Of ReleaseWhere stories live. Discover now