In Hope Of Release

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Authors Note:

Hi Everyone

If you are reading this it means that you have found your way to 'In Hope Of Release' nand I'd like to thankyou just for that :).

I would really like your oppinion and all the suport I can get for this peice.

It is a completed novel.

I really hope you enjoy it because I really enoyed writing it. :D

xx G.J.G 


The lecture room was full of white haired bushy eye browed old men. As I looked down the table searching for a friendly face I couldn't help the smirk came across my face as none could be found. People say I'm insolent and arrogant, but the truth is when I'm nervous I can't help but smirk. Trust me it's got me into plenty of trouble but no matter how I try it always creeps across my looks like it wants to announce to the world that 'hey this guys a jerk!' 

Okay sure there is one friendly face along the tables. Belinda Childs, my trainer she knows me well unlike all these other old grim faces. The truth is I'm here to be punished, (not that what I did was wrong).  

"Chase Jones, you are here on the charge of breaking protocol and deliberately ignoring a direct order." A man with a blank expression stands, his hands running through his greased up shiny black hair. Mike Simmons, the vice president of SARC, the Spy Academy Recruitment Centre. "What do you have to say for yourself?" 

I take a deep breath wishing my stomach would stop rolling. 

"If I hadn't done what I did there'd be people dead..." 

"Yes but you ignored a direct order." He interrupted me and I gritted my teeth together. "You can't deny that." His eyes stared into mine with harsh eyes. 

Sighing, my eyes searched for Belinda, she watched me looking as though she wished she could come and save me from this ordeal. 

"I don't deny it...nor have I in the past, but I felt..." 

"There may have been a reason they said not to go in agent! You could've been saving a terrorist if it was that kind of mission!" 


"No buts..." 

"For goodness sake Mike, you asked the boy if he had anything to say for himself and you keep interrupting him...let him speak." The room got a cold icy feeling as the Director herself stepped through the glass door. I looked up and was surprised to see friendly eyes and an encouraging smile. "Go on Chase, there must be a good reason for your actions." 

Mike frowned as he sat down with a thump, suddenly becoming very interested in his fountain pen.  

Sweat beaded on my forehead and the palm of my hands.  

"Well, I knew that agent Collins didn't know Casey Lace and Olivia Buckram were still in the building, and well, I went into save them..." 

"Did you think of the consequences?" 


"Did you know it'd affect our plans?" 


"Did you realise it'd lose our chance of catching the target?" 

"No..." I breathed as the hairs on the back of my neck prickled. I hadn't known, because of me the agency would have to pull back and lose Mel Changi the target, who'd they'd been tracking for months waiting for this particular chance to catch the world wide wanted assassin.  

The Director raised her eyebrow as her nails tapped against the table top. Frowning thoughtfully she studied me as if she was trying to read my deepest thoughts. 

"Would you have continued to save the girls if you'd known?" 

"No...I..." I stuttered trying to get the right words out. "I would have obeyed orders." 

She nodded looking at me thoughtfully before turning to face her fellow workers.  

"You have a very good record." She sat down flipping through s file which I assumed was mine. It would contain my missions to my childhood and even the childhood of my parents. There'd be pictures of my closest childhood friends, first girlfriend, everything that made me, me. "I believe that you wouldn't have done what you did if you'd known the outcome...but anyhow you did ignore orders and break protocol..." She paused as if trying to put her words together. I watched her shouting in my mind that she wouldn't bane me from the agency; she wouldn't take away my credits...would she? "I have decided to place you under probation; you will have a mission to redeem yourself." 

Air rushed out of my lungs in relief as she spoke her words, I wasn't to be banned. 

"Thankyou Director..." I murmured catching the deathly expression Mike was now wearing. I knew he didn't want me in the agency, I didn't know what he had against me but I'd never hurt him. 

"Don't thank me Chase." She replied dryly. "Your mission will not be easy, and it'll show how dedicated you are." 

Raising my eyebrow my breath caught once more. 

"Director...what will my mission be?" 

"Danielle Wood," Frowning I searched my mind wondering whether the name should mean anything to me. It didn't. "You will be undercover, watching her..." She stopped watching me for a question.  

"For what reason?" I question, taking the folder she now offered me. 

"She is our next recruit, and you agent are her trainer." 

I lifted my eyes from the photo that plastered the cover of the folder. The girls green eyes stared back at me as her honey brown hair framed her face.  

"Trainer..." I faulted searching for the directors eyes hurriedly. 


"But, I've never..." 

"Do you want to stay in the agency?" 


"Do you want to keep your field position?" 

"Yes, definitely..."  

She smirked at me coldly as she stepped backwards towards the door. 

"Then you're a trainer, she is your us you're worth it, that you are agency material." With that she walked out the door, leaving me with my mouth dropped open in horror and twelve stunned committee members.  


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