Chapter 3,4,5

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I grinned to myself as I drove home, recalling how Chase the new kid had totally ruined Rick. An unsettling thought followed it; Rick would most definitely take out some kind of revenge on Chase, most likely through me.

Great, the drive home hadn’t taken longer like I’d wished. I sighed as I drove up the drive. The garden was as untidy as I’d left it this morning and from my little Mini I could see the TV flickering. Dad was home.

Slowly I took my school bag from the back seat and trooped towards the door. Preparing myself for what I’d find. Dad would be drunk, and Mum getting herself drunk. Cindy my older sister would be pashing her new boyfriend which she’d only picked up that day. Alex my little brother would be in his room, reading. He and I were the only normal members of the family. Well, except for Olivia my baby sister, who I suspected was only my half sister.

I opened the door quietly and sneaked in, closing it behind me softly. The TV blared as him Dad yelled at my Mum who’s answer was muffled as she took another swig of spirits. I tiptoed past them and then made my way upstairs. Cindy’s door was open and I heard long heartbroken sobs.

“Hey, what happened?” I questioned her, squinting into the darkening room. She turned to me, her mascara and eyeliner running with the tears.

“I can’t stand this anymore Dani…” she murmured burying her head in a pillow. “They aren’t the parents anymore, we are.”

“I know…” I murmured. Well, really, I was the parent. “Cindy, I think you should stop seeing so many people.” Instantly sat up straight and glared at me.

“Just because you haven’t seen anyone in ages doesn’t mean I have to too!” I flinched at her hateful tone. “You’re not my mother Dani! You’re my little sister her who’ll never be loved!” I couldn’t speak for a moment.

“You shouldn’t say that Cindy.”

“Why not? It’s true!”

“Maybe…but…you shouldn’t say that.” My voice had died and I turned away, leaving her to her own selfish thoughts. I wanted to run away more than anything, but then there was Alex. If I went he’d have no one, I had to stay for him.

I knocked on the door.

“Alex, are you in there?” There was no answer, so I opened the door slowly.  The sat my ten year old brother, still in his uniform. “Hey, Alex…” I sat down by him on the bed, and he pulled out his earphones which I’d given him.

“Hey, is it bad down there?”

“Yeah, pretty normal.” I sighed rubbing my forehead tiredly. “I was wondering...” I stopped thinking through what I was about to say.

“Yeah? What?” My little brother asked.

“Would you like to come with me and stay a night at Renee’s tonight?” Renee was my former boss and a close friend. She knew of what I had to deal with at home and a few weeks before had offered accommodation for if it ever got too bad. I could tell that tonight was going to be bad. “Watcha say?”

“Yeah, can you buy me maccas first?” He questioned and I laughed.

“Of course…let’s go now.”

* * *

We carried our bags down the stairs and I hurried Alex past the lounge door.

“Where do you think your going?” I stopped short and slowly turned around to see my father staring at us. He stood up wobbling drunk.

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