He chuckled and tapped his cheek. "Kiss me" he commanded and I left my mouth open. "No?!" I shook my head. "Come on don't leave your husband waiting. Or I'll take you back home leaving your lovely friend here" he pointed at Kirstie. She looked at us with a weird face. I hold my hands up giving her "wait up" signal. I groaned at Mason and stepped towards him and kissed his cheek. "I hate you" I said and walk away. "I know, baby doll" he replied and drive away. Douche.

I walked in the diner and hugged Kirstie. "Care to explain?" she crossed her arms and I grinned. "Sure. I'll explain when we're driving to the mall" I said and she smiled. She grabbed her purse and grab my hands, running towards her car. I buckle my seatbelts and starts explaining everything until my tongue dry.


"Oh my god, I'm sorry I'm not there for you. You've been lot through everything. I feel like I'm a bad friend" she actually cried a bit. I thought I should cry. Oh well, Kirstie is very sensitive girl. She's fragile. "Its not your fault. It's my fate to be hurt like that" I rubs her arms up and down giving her my reassure smile. "Yeah, its your fate. To meet Mason!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes. "He's married, Kirstie" I said as I took a seat at the bench. Why am I get tired so easily, I'm not old. "He is engaged. Not married! Believe me you will fall inlove with him" she giggled. I exhaled "Whatever helps you sleep at night. Lets go home. I'm tired" I touch my stomach and smiled. "Oh! I forgot you're pregnant. I'm sorry I'll drive you home" she grabs my hand and help me walk towards car and drive us home.

Kirstie parked in front of my house and the maid came and help me take my shopping bag upstairs. Mason stand in front of the door and smiled when he sees me. Kirstie giggled when she saw the way Mason smiled at me and she whispered "I see the way he looks at you" I glared at her "oh shut up" and I walk inside. I saw my mom was sitting in the living room and I look at Mason. I hugged him and he kissed my cheek. "There's my beautiful princess" he said and bring me inside. I invited Kirstie inside and she declied saying that I should have more time with my husband and that deserve a death glare from me and wink from Mason.

I walked upstairs and tried my pregnancy dress. Mason walked in and he look at me up and down. "Do I look fat in this?" I asked. Typical girls question. He nodded and I slapped his chest. "But you're still pretty in my eyes" I glared at him "my mom's not here so you can tell about your fiancé not complimenting me"

"You want me to say 'my fiancé looks better than you?' I bet you don't want too" he said as he lays on bed. I climbed on bed beside him and look at him. He smiled at me. Didn't he feel tired of smiling. He raised an eyebrow and I smiled back. "Can I hug you?" I asked. He widen his eyes and chuckled. "of course you can what kind of dumb question is that?" he open his arms. I hug him. He played with my hair and I drifted to sleep.

"aw aren't they the cutest" a male voice woke me up. I groaned and scratch my eyes. "Did I wake you up?" a familiar voice greeted me. I look at the guy who's watching me sleeping. He held his iPhone out and laughed. "I might take a picture of both of you" I left my mouth ajar and run to him and hugged him. "Jake! I miss you" I cried on his shoulder. "Youre back I didn't know that" I nuzzle in the crook of his neck and he hug me tightly. "I miss you more, Naomi" he kissed my cheek and I let out a relief sigh. "I'm glad that you're safe"

"Woah who's he" Mason shot up from his sleep glaring at me cuddling up with some guy. I smiled at Mason and pulled him up so now he's standing in front of Jake. "Mason, meet Jake. My boyfriend and still" I said and Mason widen his eyes. Jake chuckled and punched me on my arm lightly. "Na. I'm Jake, her older brother. You must be her husband" He offered a handshake and Mason laughed nervously while scratching his head. "Yeah. Hahah. I'm- I'm Mason"

"We're just glad that he safe. Cheers!" mom finishes her toast to congratulate my brother for his courage to go to Afghanistan and fought for our country for 3 years and he come back home safely. We clinked out glass and have a chit chat like a perfect family. Not very perfect because Mason is there. I look at him and he seems spaced out. I touched his hand and he blinked. I gave him a smile which returned and I heard my brothers aweing us. I blushed and Mason put his arms on my shoulder.

"Enough talking about me, lets talk about Mason now. Tell us about you" my brother said as he stabbed his meat with his fork and chewed them. I ignored Mason who tensed for a minute. I heard him chuckled and start talking "Well um, I'm Naomi's husband. I work for Goliath National Bank a-"

"what's your position?"

"Uh CEO. My dad owns a franchise in San Francisco" he explained with a smirked. My mom looked shocked. So do I but I gotta act cool. But I almost chocked my meat?! Shut the truck up brain. Fine I don't want to be in your small head, stink. My head's small? I touched my head. "You okay?" Mason asked. I snapped from my conversation with my head and giggled. "Yeah, sure" I replied shortly.


After having dinner, I went upstairs to get some shower. After showering, I changed into my pyjama dress that Kirstie gifted to me. Mason stopped checking his phone and stare at me. I blushed and went beside him. "You look hot" he whispered that gave me chills. "Stop, I look fat with this baby lump" I glared at him. He leaned in and whispered again "You look sexy" I gulped and stare into his eyes. He didn't look back at me, he was busy staring on my lips and suddenly he crashed in. I couldn't help but moan when he bit my lower lip. I felt him smirking and I ran my fingers through his silky hair. He ran his hand on my bare thigh, pulling them so now I sat on top of him. My heartbeats quicken and my stomach flipped, feeling like my baby just did a 360 backflip.

He ran his hand on my back and he licked my lower lip wanting for an entrance. I allow him and our tongue danced together. It felt almost like perfect. What the fuck are you thinking "Naomi Leah Winters, he's freaking engaged " my head suddenly voiced. With all of my force, I break our kiss and he frowns. "I'm sorry, I- I forgot th- that you're engaged" I lowered my head and get off him. He readjust his messy hair. "I don't mind?" he gave me a reassure smile. I shook my head went to my bedside. "No, I'm not cheap. Goodnight Mason" I said not looking at him. I heard him sigh and the bed shuffled. I lay my head on my pillow and switched of the bed lamp.

What have I done??????




p/s: lilac niall exist i'm dying

pp/s: i still haven't watch catching fire bc my friend didnt invite me to movies *whisperes* fake friends alert jk i love them

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